[問卦] 上進心的英文是什麼

看板Gossiping標題[問卦] 上進心的英文是什麼作者
時間推噓17 推:19 噓:2 →:19



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orangeskit 05/30 12:51green

lovesinker 05/30 12:51Money

archon 05/30 12:51aggressive

guitar0225 05/30 12:51cash

ilovemiao 05/30 12:52ee

reifind 05/30 12:52shàng jìn xīn

nccu0911 05/30 12:52犀牛的英文是什麼

andyw7612162 05/30 12:53Show me the money

newking761 05/30 12:53誰是你爸爸

jetalpha 05/30 12:54slave

noesy1123 05/30 12:54rich man

pininfarina 05/30 12:55Ferrari

alex00089 05/30 12:55up in heart

shcjosh 05/30 12:55ambition 企圖心 野心

bill403777 05/30 12:56greedy is good 9999999

Ericz7000 05/30 12:56Rich wealthy

ct78645 05/30 12:56show me the money

hn15835163 05/30 12:56money

s9623452 05/30 12:57tall handsome rich

bxc 05/30 12:59money

kevin1221 05/30 13:00TW:$$

pokiman 05/30 13:00Rolls-Royce

GOD5566 05/30 13:01Satisfy me everything

nekoares 05/30 13:11money

aOGQ 05/30 13:15誰是進心?

stevenyu82 05/30 13:17Rich / wealthy

NeverTellMe 05/30 13:18loaded

adk147852 05/30 13:21money

tending 05/30 13:22SHANG CHI

Yehei 05/30 13:23give me the money

pipipa 05/30 13:24Money

snakebite 05/30 13:31沒有money,上進心體現在哪沒人知道

MagicYif 05/30 13:42Money

nitvx 05/30 13:51I'm rich

ruthertw 05/30 13:52 super rich man

Daniel0712 05/30 14:09Money

harukay08 05/30 14:33ambition

andwwww 05/30 15:01沒有上進心的英文 只有冷血的英文

fransice7 05/30 19:40 "What's your SuperPower again?"

fransice7 05/30 19:40 " I'm Rich. "