[問卦] 非洲男人怎麼這麼爽?

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非洲男人 假設是黑人好了
天生屌就大 在各國(女)人見人愛 (once you go black)











Sperm Bandits in Africa: A Deadly Form of Witchcrafty
1.53K ViewsFrancis ChideraNo Comment
Africa believes that when something from a human is used for rituals, that
person’s life is no longer complete. Most times, the person is rendered
useless and confused for life. While ritualists are after your life, these
women are after your sperm, and the end product is the same, riches and luck.

Sperm Bandits in Africa: A Deadly Form of Witchcrafty
sperm bandit
You can’t tell from their faces because stereotypes make it that it’s ugly
women that perpetuate evil, but these are most beautiful women who are
desperate and will kill because of a man’s sperm. They will not negotiate
with you when it comes to harvesting your sperm for use in traditional
luck-enhancing ‘juju’ rituals. They don’t care if you are handsome or
ugly. The product is what they need. Sperm has been considered a good luck
charm and is sold to change their lives in Africa.

In Zimbabwe and South Africa, even in Nigeria, this story is always a scary

So, being a male in Africa, you have to be careful of where you are standing
and aware of your surroundings. You will not be left alive if you try to playstunt or prove you are a man in front of these deadly beautiful ladies. Don’
t think that these ladies cannot hurt an ant because of their looks. From
stories around, it sho shows that their mission is more deadly than you can
ever think. They can drug you, subdue you at gunpoint or knifepoint, or even
be forced to perform at a live snake point.

The victims are forced to take sexual stimulants and are often forced to haveunprotected sex before they are abandoned on the road. The psychological and
emotional trauma is untold. Victims may suffer from things that only the
spiritual can solve.

Sometimes, they are not the ones who need sperm; some ready buyers can be menor even women who can pay a fortune for sperm. For some of these female spermbandits, it is a full-time job that they cannot give up for a blue-collar
job. There is more than meets the eyes that come with these sperm banditry

The desperation to slay like other women, get rich, get husbands, become
influential, or even win a man’s love are some of the reasons that push
these women to become sperm bandits. Since no one is willing to allow them
part with their sperm freely, they have no option than take it by force.

One of the problems is that most of Africa’s constitutions do not recognize
women raping men, making these women always go scotfree after being caught.



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※ 編輯: hjgx ( 臺灣), 09/04/2022 00:39:40

huei252 09/04 00:40精液求精

a3221715 09/04 00:41屌大天性

南非“精子強盜”輪姦男性搭便車者 兩名中年精子強盜團伙在給一名男性搭便車者下藥後強奸了他。 努普爾 ·賈 @FemceeEvil IST 2017 年 12 月 16 日 21:04 搭便車者, 據報導,在南非林波波省波羅克瓦尼,兩名婦女下藥並強奸了一名男性搭便車者。受害人 在面對所謂的中年“精子強盜”襲擊後住院。 警方說,在他被輪姦之前,這些婦女強迫他在槍口下喝了一種不明物質。 當地報紙援引警方發言人 Lt Col Moatshe Ngoepe 的話稱:“在經歷了折磨之後,據稱 他們與受害者一起開車更遠,並將他送到 Tzaneen CBD 附近的一個僻靜區域,然後他前 往 Tzaneen 警察局並報告了此事。”摩羯之聲如是說。 受害者的情況仍然危急,尚未逮捕任何人。 警方已警告人們避免在該地區搭便車,以免成為此類路邊犯罪的受害者。每個人都被建議 選擇可靠的交通方式。 “敦促公眾始終使用可靠的公共交通工具,以防止此類令人髮指的事件發生,”《太陽報 》援引 Ngoepe 的話說。 他補充說:“使用這些地點的駕車者和行人都容易受到這類犯罪分子的攻擊,這些犯罪分 子經常會發生嚴重的犯罪活動,例如劫車、謀殺、強姦和武裝搶劫。” 三個月前曾報導過類似的事件:三名婦女輪奸了津巴布韋的一名男教師。 據報導,這名教師被婦女綁架以獲取他的精子,然後被扔在路邊。據報導,襲擊者將受害 者的精子作為幸運的象徵出售。 此類罪行在 2011 年首次成為新聞,當時在 Gweru 和 Harare 之間的公路上行駛的駕駛 者遭到這些所謂的“精子強盜”的襲擊。 在一個路障上逮捕了三名婦女,其中三名婦女帶著 31 個充滿精液的避孕套被捕。 在 2016 年發生的另一起事件中。一名男子顯然在布拉瓦約被三名婦女綁架,她們強奸了 他並帶著他的精液逃跑。 另一起事件發生在 2 月的布拉瓦約,據報導,一名男教師在途中被四名精子強盜獵殺。 這些婦女顯然在綁架他後給他下了藥,並對他進行了輪姦。

※ 編輯: hjgx ( 臺灣), 09/04/2022 00:44:51

chadmu 09/04 00:44>尼日利亞

eagleofsouth 09/04 00:54割你的懶叫取精 哪裡爽了?

kevin1221 09/04 01:35HIV流行區可怕

WWIII 09/04 01:36龍妹應該無法強奸吧 硬不起來

Yude0109 09/04 01:38人見人愛? 我遇過不少女生討厭黑人的