[爆卦] 俄羅斯:是德國西門子沒把北溪1號修好

看板Gossiping標題[爆卦] 俄羅斯:是德國西門子沒把北溪1號修好作者
時間推噓15 推:15 噓:0 →:11

EXCLUSIVE Gazprom says Nord Stream 1 resumption depends on Siemens Energy

“You should ask Siemens. They have to repair equipment first,” he said on the sidelines of Eastern Economic Forum in Russian Pacific port of Vladivostok, when asked about when the pipeline could start pumping gas again.


Gazprom on Friday said it detected an engine oil leak at the only turbine still working at the Portovaya compressor station for the Nord Stream 1 system and would shut off supply until it was repaired.


Siemens Energy said on Saturday that it had not been commissioned to carry out the repair work, and that the leak reported by Gazprom would not usually affect the operation of a turbine and could be sealed on site.



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nekoares 09/06 11:24笑死

baiya 09/06 11:24哈哈 被漏油

JavaBass 09/06 11:24都是they的錯

hmcedamon 09/06 11:24都是子瑜一直不嫁給我

LoveMakeLove 09/06 11:24完了

cuteSquirrel 09/06 11:25XDDDDD winter is coming

taot917 09/06 11:28美國鎖住北溪2的泵機,老俄就搞北溪1

dg01 09/06 11:29事情就是這樣

wonder007 09/06 11:31塔: 西門子 宏碁 張善政 退選!

hakuoro 09/06 11:34解除制裁開放零件進口馬上就修好了

jasonpig 09/06 11:36藉口一堆

yabayabado 09/06 11:39歐洲就活該自己要當美國鬥俄羅斯的棋

yabayabado 09/06 11:39

lastphil 09/06 11:57德國懂玩

sonyabear 09/06 11:58德國人真的很機掰,操

RozenMaidenI 09/06 12:03賴給美國真好笑

RozenMaidenI 09/06 12:03歐洲跟俄羅斯鬥幾百年了

mecca 09/06 12:11我家的小孩很乖的

deadogy 09/06 12:19黃鵝孝子傳授絕技

hakuoro 09/06 12:24歐洲哪有跟俄國鬥幾百年?沒讀歷史?

hakuoro 09/06 12:24以前歐洲人還說沙皇是歐洲救世主呢

lulocke 09/06 12:32修好也不一定送氣給你呀

pauljet 09/06 17:43啊?你這樣回答是承認漏油真有其事嗎

pauljet 09/06 17:44什麼叫通常不影響

pauljet 09/06 17:44問你漏沒漏油你說通常不影響

honafire 09/06 18:21歐洲style 剛放完暑假還沒進入狀況