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ms046204905/10 10:19感謝分享 來對答案囉

NenaPolyglot05/10 10:25110年台電僱員英文考科官方第50題Which one is the

NenaPolyglot05/10 10:25 closest to "find out" in meaning?缺乏上下文,

NenaPolyglot05/10 10:25而且答案有誤,意義最接近的不是(A) learn about,

NenaPolyglot05/10 10:25而是(D) uncover

NenaPolyglot05/10 10:30不是考生,但我這邊有佐證的資料可以提供,英文第5

NenaPolyglot05/10 10:300題可以申訴,其他題答案沒有爭議。

yel203zxc05/10 10:34樓上這題,太蝦了吧,台電出題都沒在檢查喔

NenaPolyglot05/10 10:39英文官方第28題,題目敘述要改成"Do you have a mi

NenaPolyglot05/10 10:39nute?"而不是"Do you have minute?",可數名詞前

NenaPolyglot05/10 10:39要加不定冠詞a/an,這明顯打字錯誤

il5021905/10 10:49謝謝

eastnoon05/10 10:54作文算拿一半,目前加權37,加上考爆的基本電學可能剛好

eastnoon05/10 10:54摸到複試門檻..求祖先保佑

aaa93132405/10 10:59我作文抓10分 QQ 勉強複試

disappear0505/10 10:59行政學22題a選項,應該要給 組織“成員“日益增多

disappear0505/10 10:59或是 使用“委員制”的組織日益增多

disappear0505/10 10:59會畢竟好吧T_T

DennisGon05/10 11:02配電不含國英加權40分南區不知道有沒有機會哭

boncil05/10 11:16有人知道為什麼我的答案跟考卷順序幾乎都不對….不會就只

boncil05/10 11:16有我這樣吧......

boncil05/10 11:20本來就會打亂順序嗎

r569330205/10 11:31我看到的順序也是亂的......

boncil05/10 11:40感謝!受教了。還我以為我這份出了問題

vd10205/10 11:55請問「試題及答案疑義處理申請表」要去哪裡下載呢?網站上

vd10205/10 11:55找不到呢

bigoneal05/10 12:05今年還會有一次嗎?這次有點慘...

cckly05/10 12:08可以準備今年中油

aivxg05/10 12:080512才能釋疑

s32132f05/10 12:33樓上講錯了,簡章寫公布答案三日內

aivxg05/10 12:44咦 我也是看別人講

aivxg05/10 12:44所以有釋疑連結了嗎

mos110205/10 12:51找不到疑義申請表

bigoneal05/10 13:05因為是考配電,只有學基本電學...中油是不是沒辦法

Technician05/10 13:19還有半年可以準備油雇 現在放棄 比賽就結束了

aivxg05/10 13:31官網有釋疑連結了

aivxg05/10 13:31有疑慮的人請把握自己的權益


※ 編輯: h54747 ( 臺灣), 05/10/2021 13:44:09

h5474705/10 14:48基本電學=電工原理 中油一樣能考

thunderdai05/10 21:13不含作文35上下 好抖...

thunderdai05/10 21:13下可能下很多 計算題的容錯太高

NenaPolyglot05/10 21:21英文第50題"find out",我親自拿考卷或拍照截圖傳

NenaPolyglot05/10 21:21送給生活周遭的英語母語人士:同樣也是線上英文老

NenaPolyglot05/10 21:21師和翻譯的同事、母校的教授、教會英文聖經的講師

NenaPolyglot05/10 21:21、社群媒體的好友,他們分別來自美國不同州(New Yo

NenaPolyglot05/10 21:21rk, Florida, Maryland, Arkansas, Texas Californ

NenaPolyglot05/10 21:21ia)和英格蘭,共11個白人1個黑人,和他們討論答案

NenaPolyglot05/10 21:21看到題目直覺反應都是(D)uncover,當我告知台電給

NenaPolyglot05/10 21:21的答案是(A) learn about 時他們都愣住

NenaPolyglot05/10 21:26然後才回答要取決於上下文

s91061205/10 21:53很明顯uncover意思完全一樣吧

NenaPolyglot05/10 22:17舊制托福會考單句關鍵字(上底線)的選擇題,然後要

NenaPolyglot05/10 22:17考生依據上下文從(A)(B)(C)(D)選項選出最符合能替

NenaPolyglot05/10 22:17代關鍵字的題型,如此一來不會斷章取義,漢翔公司

NenaPolyglot05/10 22:17的英文考科第一大題(共10題)就是仿效舊制托福的這

NenaPolyglot05/10 22:17種考法。只是TOEFL ibt 沒這麼考而已

Orange072905/10 22:42我也覺得要看前後文...

※ 編輯: h54747 ( 臺灣), 05/11/2021 01:35:22

hypnos7605/11 13:41我是把字典的東西直接印出來作為佐證.直接提試題疑義了

hypnos7605/11 13:42朗文字典(網路/實體),uncover都是明白列出find out

hypnos7605/11 13:43我英文只錯這題,想爭取看看.

NenaPolyglot05/11 23:32@h大:這題你本來就沒有錯,實質性是全對的。我書

NenaPolyglot05/11 23:32面的資料(英英解釋的字典)也都直接證明uncover的字

NenaPolyglot05/11 23:32義就是find out ,但我不是考生沒有申訴權。版友如

NenaPolyglot05/11 23:32有看到可以內信跟我拿紙本的佐證資料,因為我只會

NenaPolyglot05/11 23:32截圖但不懂怎麼上傳PTT跟大家分享

NenaPolyglot05/11 23:39Suffice it to say, you'll never see a question

NenaPolyglot05/11 23:39that takes form like No.50 in any given English

NenaPolyglot05/11 23:39 proficiency test, let alone academic exams in

NenaPolyglot05/11 23:39the US such as SAT or ACT. It all boils down t

NenaPolyglot05/11 23:39o the specific context about the situation in w

NenaPolyglot05/11 23:39hich the correct phrasal verb is used. In crit

NenaPolyglot05/11 23:39iquing this type of question from a professiona

NenaPolyglot05/11 23:39l standpoint, I would say the problem is that t

NenaPolyglot05/11 23:39here's no example sentence for this question an

NenaPolyglot05/11 23:39d that the answer key provided by TPC is too ar

NenaPolyglot05/11 23:39bitrary. Having said that, (D) uncover is the

NenaPolyglot05/11 23:39option makes the most sense. To "learn about"

NenaPolyglot05/11 23:39is more passive as people are told or hear abou

NenaPolyglot05/11 23:39t something they didn't know. On the contrary,

NenaPolyglot05/11 23:39to "uncover" is more active because one takes t

NenaPolyglot05/11 23:39he action/ the initiative to "find out" the tru

NenaPolyglot05/11 23:39th or facts about something unknown. Over and a

NenaPolyglot05/11 23:39bove, "uncover" is synonymous with "discover",

NenaPolyglot05/11 23:39both of which can be used interchangeably. Plea

NenaPolyglot05/11 23:39se refer to the sentences made below.

NenaPolyglot05/11 23:41"We'll find out the solution to the hot-button

NenaPolyglot05/11 23:41issue sooner or later." Find out here means to

NenaPolyglot05/11 23:41uncover something. Uncover means to discover so

NenaPolyglot05/11 23:41mething and when you discover something you ess

NenaPolyglot05/11 23:41entially find out something.

NenaPolyglot05/11 23:45“We’re going to Mars to uncover alien life.”

NenaPolyglot05/11 23:45= "We’re going to Mars to discover alien life.

NenaPolyglot05/11 23:45"

NenaPolyglot05/11 23:45In both aforementioned cases, "uncover" and dis

NenaPolyglot05/11 23:45cover" can be replaced by "find out" without th

NenaPolyglot05/11 23:45e slightest difference in meaning.

christine16305/12 12:41

christine16305/12 14:13

christine16305/12 14:16幫N大上傳字典資料

christine16305/12 14:16這是“朗文當代高級辭典 Longman Dictionary of Con

christine16305/12 14:16temporary English P.1679”

christine16305/12 14:16作者:朗文編輯部

christine16305/12 14:16出版社:朗文

christine16305/12 14:16出版日期:1900/01/01

christine16305/12 14:16ISBN:9620011562

christine16305/12 14:16叢書系列:英英英漢