[分享] 是投手也是畫家:專訪富邦二軍投手教練布魯斯(文長)

看板Guardians標題[分享] 是投手也是畫家:專訪富邦二軍投手教練布魯斯(文長)作者
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2016年,布魯斯(Bruce Billings)第一次加盟中華職棒,效力於統一獅隊,並在彈力球盛行的那一年,投出了可圈可點的成績,也入選了當年的明星賽。





Q1:When CPBL clubs connect you if you want to come here , what is your
feelings that time? You considered it for a long time? Or worried about


A1:At the time I was contacted, I was a free agent in the United States. As
a baseball player over there, you only get paid during the season, so my wifeand I were looking for job opportunities. I asked around to a couple people
about Taiwanese baseball and took a chance to come play. I’m glad I did. It
changed my life and the way I thought about the game.


Q2:You mentioned about it change your thoughts about games, what is the
biggest difference between MLB and CPBL? As I Know, you had ever pitched in
MLB for 11 innings, I think it might gave you some feelings. What is the
biggest difference between them?



A2-1:I may have only pitched in the MLB for 11 innings, but I spent years inAAA pitching against players that were in the MLB and were going to the MLB.
Also pitched against hitters from the SoftBank Hawks in a tryout I went to inJapan. And also pitched in the DR for their winter league.

The CPBL has players who have played in the MLB, the biggest difference I
think is that the window for error is smaller in the MLB. The MLB gets a lot
of the best players in the world to keep filling the league as well.


Q2-2:Could you please explain what is the meaning of "the window for error"?Not allow to make any errors?



A5:We were playing Lamigo in a 3 gameseries at the end of the season in Tianmu. We needed to win the 3 games to
have a chance at the playoffs Bruce. I wanted to help the team to stay
focused and have a positive attitude. So I drew the characters for believe
and victory so that the team can have a focus on the task at hand. A goal.

We won those 3 games. I have always lived my life with that mindset and
thought it would be helpful to others as well. The smallest seeds can make
the biggest trees.


Q6:The news reported that you post your drawing on the Fcebook when you werein quarantine, when did you start to draw?





A6:I started drawing when I was very young. I would get my dads constructionpaper, big pieces of paper that were for making plans to build things, and I
would draw all over them. My family loved my drawings and I loved making themhappy. So I kept doing it.

I would draw pictures of things I liked, cars and superheroes... give them tofriends... just because it was fun and it made people happy. A lot of Batman,Ninja Turtles, and car pictures when I was a kid.

It's a window into someone's mind to see their art. You can see how they
perceive things. What they find important. What details they add or take
away. I think its interesting. It's like seeing inside someone's head. And
the fine motor skills of using a pencil or pen is great training for the
brain and motor skills.

And this drawing was finished recently, about my feeling of Taiwan baseball.


The moment is connected to the "believe victory" moment. It is me fist
pumping after a long at bat to end the 7th inning. I was over 110 pitches,
maybe even close to 120. The crowd was great. We played so well. And I
pitched well. That moment was very special to me. Believing in Victory,
fighting and focusing for it, and achieving it. It was perfect.


Q7:Finally, could you tell a short sentence to the readers as a gift?



A7:The message my dad told me when I was a young boy. "Whatever you choose
to do in life, you can do it if you believe in yourself and work hard." You
have to believe, always.

Hopefully the article can be inspiring for others.

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