Re: [討論] 護照就註明性別了還質疑林郁婷?!?!

看板HatePolitics標題Re: [討論] 護照就註明性別了還質疑林郁婷?!?!作者
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《Thank you for smoking》
Joey Naylor : But that's not what we're talking about
Nick Naylor : Ah! But that's what I'm talking about.
Joey Naylor : ...but you didn't prove that vanilla was the best...
Nick Naylor : I didn't have to. I proved that you're wrong, and if you're wrong I'm right.
Joey Naylor : But you still didn't convince me
Nick Naylor : It's that I'm not after you. I'm after them.



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meredith001 08/03 10:35然後你就要水桶了

taot917 08/03 11:05可是綠營車輪戰都證明不了馬英九貪污