[討論] 神藥出事了!?

看板HatePolitics標題[討論] 神藥出事了!?作者
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逛美股討論版偶然看到吹哨者爆料 Pfizer's vaccine 三期數據有問題

不久才出來的爆料 真實性還有待觀察

大意就是吹哨者出來爆料 輝瑞在德州的包商 實驗室管理失當 做試驗造假

包括 偽造數據、沒有blinded patients、隱瞞遲報不利數據、

實驗室員工訓練不足,實驗室管理問題 啥的


Covid-19: Researcher blows the whistle on data integrity issues in Pfizer’s
vaccine trial

摘錄內文 第一段部份

But, for researchers who were testing Pfizer’s vaccine at several sites in
Texas during that autumn, speed may have come at the cost of data integrity
and patient safety. A regional director who was employed at the research
organisation Ventavia Research Group has told The BMJ that the company
falsified data, unblinded patients, employed inadequately trained
vaccinators, and was slow to follow up on adverse events reported in Pfizer’
s pivotal phase III trial. Staff who conducted quality control checks were
overwhelmed by the volume of problems they were finding. After repeatedly
notifying Ventavia of these problems, the regional director, Brook Jackson,
emailed a complaint to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Ventavia
fired her later the same day. Jackson has provided The BMJ with dozens of
internal company documents, photos, audio recordings, and emails


個人感想 : 真是尷尬,不過反正FDA都核可了,以色列全民公測測試也有效嘛


補充一下: 這個是報導在 BMJ 上的,這期刊 imapct factor 快40點



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vega79020511/03 11:50以色列測試的結果很糟糕欸..

Robben11/03 11:50震撼彈

jorden11/03 11:51塔綠班側翼幹的 神藥不可能這樣的

DDDDRR11/03 11:51全世界本來就不是只有美國日本...etc 反正不要出國就行 打

DDDDRR11/03 11:51打高端沒什麼

abc9bitedi11/03 11:51好啦好啦 高端最棒了

Jsyc24100811/03 11:52我打莫哦 ^_^

z197611/03 11:52先觀察吧 不論如何都感謝GG慈濟郭董

ganninian11/03 11:52你們再怎麼黑 高端這垃圾疫苗還是滯銷啊

Y130911/03 11:52輝瑞不會幹這種事,別上車

lazycat511/03 11:53以色列:第三劑…

palindromes11/03 11:54等上車

abyssa111/03 11:54以色列公測看起來雖然不神但也沒特別弱啦

pollux94511/03 11:55等翻車

rexqwer11/03 11:55美國很多奇怪的陰謀論的 不過現在打都打了 難不成你要怪

rexqwer11/03 11:55郭董?

DDDDRR11/03 11:55高端公測到現在有聽到幾個人被突破性感染嗎?不是才一個?

DDDDRR11/03 11:55這不知道哪裡來的神藥要跟高端比嗎

zerowingtw11/03 11:58高端最棒了~~~~垃圾政府還不給外國人打好打滿

Aidrux11/03 11:58讓我們繼續嘲笑高端!好嗎(氣哭擦眼淚

AGODFATHER11/03 12:03還好吧 都打到真實世界了 一堆四期數據不是他們能控

AGODFATHER11/03 12:03制的

ganninian11/03 12:03

ganninian11/03 12:04難怪你們這麼討厭BNT 害你們的高端滯銷了 哈哈

rishadan11/03 12:11We’ll see

ycjcsie11/03 12:18沒差啦 藥證都到手了

※ 編輯: wts4832 ( 臺灣), 11/03/2021 12:22:29

patiger11/03 12:42以色列不行的是delta吧

Supasizeit11/03 14:29BMJ還特別去拿中國審批,有趣

mmppeegg11/03 16:20炒股文

mmppeegg11/03 16:21建議轉股板