Re: [討論] 王浩宇:民進黨沒說過自己道德標準高

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※ 引述《CenaC (王葛格加油!!)》之銘言:
: 推 bruce2248: 那你去找民進黨先開頭罵人的證據啊 你怎麼不敢提蔣開穴 02/13 11:35: → bruce2248: 貪污美援的錢? 02/13 11:35: 啊????
: 你活在哪個時代啊 貪汙美援...又看了什麼奇葩文章來瞧瞧?
: → Wolfwunsch: 等等,你不知道老蔣政府貪污美援貪到米國不爽,直接派 02/13 11:43: → Wolfwunsch: 人來監督美援的使用? 02/13 11:43: 所以真想看看啊
: 推 Wolfwunsch: 好幾年前八卦板有人放過美國已解密文件講美援跟派人監 02/13 12:09: → Wolfwunsch: 督,但是我那時候沒留,現在應該很難找了…… 02/13 12:09: 你看看自己
: 一篇網路文章就左右你思考了
: 真好騙
: 噓 Wolfwunsch: 是網路文章沒錯,但是人家有放美國政府的解密文件當證 02/13 12:28: → Wolfwunsch: 據。 02/13 12:28: → Wolfwunsch: 然後,說的好像你的資訊來源都是第一手資訊一樣,少來 02/13 12:28: → Wolfwunsch: 了,就算你是專門研究員,也不可能都用第一手資料啦。 02/13 12:28: → Wolfwunsch: 那你是不是要說自己真好騙? 02/13 12:29: 你怎麼確定資料是真實?
: → nightyao: 美援又不是每次都由美國支出,有時候是國民政府自己先 02/13 12:36: → nightyao: 墊,都有國民政府的公開文件可以跟美國查對了,當美援 02/13 12:36: → nightyao: 是機密?更多是被當不重要的文件而水消,美國會派人監 02/13 12:36: → nightyao: 督美援的話,怎麼其他受美援國家沒被監督?菲律賓的腐 02/13 12:36: → nightyao: 敗問題比台灣更嚴重,而南韓處於第一線戰爭也沒被監督 02/13 12:36: → nightyao: 管理,放任南韓政府腐敗?沒邏輯,去讀書好嗎,別以為 02/13 12:36: → nightyao: 世界繞著台灣轉。 02/13 12:36: → Wolfwunsch: 那你怎麼確定你看到的資料都是真實? 02/13 13:03



''They're thieves, every damn one of them,'' Truman said later, referring to
Nationalist leaders. ''They stole $750 million out of the billions that we
sent to Chiang. They stole it, and it's invested in real estate down in São
Paolo and some right here in New York.''

「他們都是小偷,他們每個該死的人,」杜魯門後來說,這指的是國民黨領導人。「他們從我們寄給蔣的數十億美元中偷走了 7.5 億美元。 他們偷了它,拿去投資在聖保羅和紐約的一些房地產。」

我先猜你會拿英國學者 Freda Utley 在 The China Story 裡提到的中國只拿到了 2.25億美元,所以老蔣不可能從中偷走 7.5 億元。

According to the figures given on pages 1043-44 of the White Paper, Mr.
Acheson's over-all figure of $2 billion of postwar aid to China includes a
total of $799 million of "economic aid," and $797.7 million of "military
aid," which together add up to something over $1.5 billion. The balance of
the $2 billion is not itemized, but presumably includes the United States'
share of UNRRA aid, which is calculated to have amounted to $474 million.

根據白皮書第1043-44頁給出的數字,艾奇遜先生戰後對華援助總額為20億美元,其中包括總計7.99億美元的「經濟援助」和7.977億美元的「軍事援助,」這些加起來超過 15
億美元。 20 億美元的餘額沒有逐項列出,但大概包括美國在 UNRRA 援助中的份額,據計算達到 4.74 億美元。

The largest single item in Mr. Acheson's total of $797.7 million of military
aid is "services and expenses" amounting to $335.8 million, and listed under
the heading "Postwar Lend-Lease." The "services" referred to consisted of thecost of repatriating the million or more Japanese soldiers in China, and of
transporting the Chinese Nationalist forces to accept the surrender of the
Japanese Army in the liberated territories. According to President Truman,
these "services" cannot properly be regarded as "postwar" Lend-Lease, but
must be included under the heading of World War II expenditures. For on
December 18, 1946, he said:

在艾奇遜先生總共 7.977 億美元的軍事援助中,最大的一項是「服務和費用」,總額為3.358 億美元,列在「戰後租借」標題下。所稱的「服務」包括遣返數百萬或更多在華日軍的費用,以及運送中國國民黨軍隊在解放區接受日軍投降的費用。根據杜魯門總統的說法,這些“服務”不能恰當地被視為「戰後」租借,而必須列入二戰支出的標題下。
1946 年 12 月 18 日,他說:

While comprehensive large-scale aid has been delayed, this Government has
completed its wartime lend-lease commitments to China. Lend-lease assistance
was extended to China to assist her in fighting the Japanese, and later to
fulfill our promise to assist in re-occupying the country from the Japanese.
Assistance took the form of goods and equipment and of services. Almost half
the total made available to China consisted of services, such as those
involved in air and water transportation of troops. According to the latest
figures reported, lend-lease assistance to China up to V-J Day totalled
approximately $870,000,000. From V-J Day to the end of February, shortly
after General Marshall's arrival, the total was approximately $600,000,000—
mostly in transportation costs.

雖然全面的大規模援助被推遲,但本屆政府已經完成了對中國的戰時租借承諾。租借援助被提供給中國,以幫助她抗擊日本,後來履行我們的承諾,協助從日本人手中重新佔領這個國家。援助採取貨物、設備和服務的形式。向中國提供的服務中幾乎有一半是服務,例如軍隊的空中和水路運輸。根據最新公佈的數據,截至抗戰日,對中國的貸款租賃援助總額約為 8.7 億美元。從勝利日到 2 月底,馬歇爾將軍抵達後不久,總額約為 6 億美元——主要是運輸費用。

These transportation costs involved the repatriation of Japanese soldiers andthe reoccupation of liberated territories carried out by Chinese Nationalist
forces. The operation had been managed entirely by United States military
authorities, and President Truman on December 15, 1945, said that these sums
had been disbursed "to effect the disarmament and evacuation of Japanese
troops in the liberated areas."

這些運輸費用包括遣返日本士兵和中國國民黨軍隊重新佔領解放區。這次行動完全由美國軍事當局管理,杜魯門總統於 1945 年 12 月 15 日表示,這些款項已經支付,「以實現解放區日軍的解除武裝和撤離」。

As Dr. Walter Judd said in Congress, "If we had not transferred the Chinese
to take the surrender of the Japanese, we would have had to use Americans. Wesaved money in the transaction. It cost us less to transport them than it
would have cost us to transport and support Americans there."


Thus, in our analysis of the actual military aid given to China after Japan'sdefeat, we must first deduct the $335.8 million represented by the cost of
repatriating the Japanese and accepting their surrender. This leaves us with
a total of $461.9 million of postwar military aid to China. This figure must
be further reduced by eliminating the non-military "surplus war stocks" sold
to China in 1946, which Mr. Acheson also includes in his total of "military
aid." For as noted in the previous chapter reviewing General Marshall's
mission to China, President Truman, in the summer of 1946, expressly
prohibited any further acquisition by China of arms or ammunition which couldbe used to fight the Communists. So the "surplus" United States war stocks
sold to China in 1946 included little of any military value to the National
Government. Out of the total of $100 million worth of "surplus" United Statesstocks sold to China in 1946, 40 per cent consisted of quartermaster
supplies, and only $3 million consisted of the small-arms and ammunition
required in the war against the Communists.

因此,我們在分析日本戰敗後對中國的實際軍事援助時,首先要扣除遣返日本和接受日本投降所代表的3.358億美元。這給我們留下了總額為 4.619 億美元的戰後對華軍事援助。這個數字必須通過消除1946年賣給中國的非軍事「剩餘戰爭庫存」來進一步減少,艾奇遜先生也將其包括在他的「軍事援助」總額中。正如前一章回顧馬歇爾將軍對中國的訪問所指出的,杜魯門總統在 1946 年夏天明確禁止中國進一步獲取可用於對抗共產黨的武器或彈藥。因此,1946 年賣給中國的「剩餘」美國軍備對國民政府來說幾乎沒有任何軍事價值。在 1946 年向中國出售的價值 1 億美元的「過剩」美國庫存中,40% 是軍需品,只有 300 萬美元是反共戰爭所需的輕武器和彈藥。

It is true that some armaments, such as large-caliber artillery pieces, were
included, but these were not of a kind, as I shall show later, which could beused in fighting the Communists. The same can be said of such items as the
half-million gas masks, priced at $8 apiece—total $4,000,000— which the
Chinese Government presumably bought for the value of the rubber to the
civilian economy.

確實包括了一些武器,例如大口徑火砲,但這些不是我稍後將說明的可以用來對抗共產黨的一類武器。 50 萬個防毒面具也是如此,每個售價 8 美元(總計 4,000,000 美元),中國政府大概是為了橡膠對民用經濟的價值而購買的。

Elimination of both the "services" charges and of the $100 million or so of
United States non-military "war surplus” stocks sold to China in 1946
reduces the total of postwar "military aid" to China to about $360 million.
This total is disputed by the Chinese National Government. According to its
calculations, China received $110 million worth of "effective military aid"
prior to the 1948 China Aid Act, which, together with the $125 million
allocated by that Act, brought the total to $225 million. Whichever figure iscorrect, the total sum is far less than the "billions" which are popularly
assumed to have been squandered to no purpose.

去除「服務」費用和 1946 年美國出售給中國的 1 億美元左右的非軍事“戰爭盈餘”庫
存,使戰後對中國的「軍事援助」總額減少到約 3.6 億美元。這個總額是根據其計算,在 1948 年《對華援助法案》之前,中國獲得了價值 1.1 億美元的「有效軍事援助」,加上該法案撥款的 1.25 億美元,總額達到 2.25 億美元。無論哪個數字是正確的,總和遠遠少於人們普遍認為的「十億」被無端揮霍的「十億」。

也就是說,書中稱的 2.25 億美元,僅計算了軍事援助的成分,並未計算 7.9 億美元的經濟援助,也沒計入 UNRRA 的 4.74 億美元跟後續我懶得查金額的援助。
所以光是這 7.9 億美元 + 2.25 億美元 + 4.74億美元,就有快 15 億美元,完全夠讓蔣家人汙走 7.5 億美元沒問題。



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Xceberus02/13 19:49王浩宇 戰神

Wolfwunsch02/13 19:58對於王浩宇,我的評價是,甲賽啦幹!

※ 編輯: Wolfwunsch ( 臺灣), 02/13/2022 20:10:05