Re: [討論] 焦糖:BNT沒有兒童疫苗 是輝瑞才對

看板HatePolitics標題Re: [討論] 焦糖:BNT沒有兒童疫苗 是輝瑞才對作者
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※ 引述《kuninaka ()》之銘言:
: ※ 引述《omanorboyo (omanorboyo)》之銘言:
: :

: → antpro: 一間德國公司;一間美國公司;我以為,這是常識。 04/29 18:31
: → antpro: 某樓,日本只叫 Pfizer。標籤上面也只有Pfizer 喔 04/29 18:38: → antpro: 非 Pfizer 銷售區域,標籤才是 BioNTech。 04/29 18:39: → antpro: 當然,前陣子還有上海復星以為賣得進中國的中文標籤 04/29 18:39: 英派焦糖陳嘉航
: 是不是在下很大的一盤棋?
: 美國CDC的文章,就清楚的寫出BNT公司的名字
: 還是這時候美國CDC又不可信了
: Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine (5 Through 11 Years of Age)
: Pfizer materials have been updated to include the updated Interim Clinical
: Considerations for the Use of COVID-19 Vaccines Currently Authorized in the: United States posted on November 3, 2021. This includes new materials for the: Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine formulations for ages 5 through 11 years of: age.

Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine

I think it's a name of a vaccine. I am not sure if it's canonical or not.
Please note here: I said two companies.
One is American company and the other is German company.

Regarding the label, you can google it by "Google Image".
Main points here:
1. I said two companies.
2. I didn't mention they are separate vaccines.
3. I said the labels are different.

If you don't know what I said in Chinese or English.
The only way is I use Japanese to explain; but I don't think you know Japanese.

Best regards


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q34704/29 18:52OK Japan=A片

kuninaka04/29 18:55→ antpro: 兒童疫苗,就沒BNT的份兒。

kuninaka04/29 18:55 04/29 18:43

我這裡提到兒童疫苗並不是說標籤的事情。 我是想表達,兒童疫苗是 Pfizer 在賣的。 這中英文新聞一堆,不用我解釋。 再者,你整個推文看下來,可以發現我原本要回的就是這是兩家公司。 另外,焦不焦糖,不關我屁事,我不是臺灣天龍國人,我對他也沒有投票權。

tsubasawolfy04/29 18:56

angellll04/29 18:57腦殘沒藥醫 一堆昧著良心的網紅

holyhelm04/29 19:00HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

kuninaka04/29 19:06另外你這篇中文沒四十字

加了中文字上去了。XD ※ 編輯: antpro ( 日本), 04/29/2022 19:18:51 ※ 編輯: antpro ( 日本), 04/29/2022 19:19:13