[情報] 樂圖 Lotoo 新DAP(一體機)

看板Headphone標題[情報] 樂圖 Lotoo 新DAP(一體機)作者
時間推噓10 推:10 噓:0 →:1


旋鈕有digital out或許也是ddc

《 "Mjölnir" will be unveiled for a first look at Hong Kong High End AV Show 2022 》

Currently in the prototyping stage, "Mjölnir", Lotoo's long-awaited concept DAP, has landed in Hong Kong. We invite you to come and have a look at this weighty embodiment of Lotoo's long-term R&D vision.

The chipset is yet to be fully implemented on this prototype so it will be a visual showcase only.

The mighty Asgardian hammer in the old Norse mythology has been an inspiration in our search for a perfect name. You can rest assured however, worthy mortals, that no celestial power, mythical magic, or security code is needed to lift our Mjölnir.

Lotoo will exhibit alongside with Let's Go Audio at C03, Hall 5, Hong Kong Convention Exhibition Centre, from 5-7 August.

#lotoo #lotoomjölnir #prototype #avshow2022 #hkavshow #audioshow #letsgoaudio #香港高級視聽展


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eddie081708/03 17:19好 我買

joedothis08/03 18:58樓上買爆

Jwind08/03 19:06買爆

benwu9508/03 19:20等Eddie大的心得

sifa102408/03 19:30等心得XD

kimi032508/03 21:40等eddie大

joesephiro08/04 08:42雷神之錘來了

darktruex08/04 15:27樂圖的東西還蠻耐用的,初代金菊花,好幾年了,現在還

darktruex08/04 15:27常常聽,聽音樂常有小感動,像神器一樣

WiLLSTW08/04 22:07當時鐵菊花聲音還蠻不錯的 但Paw S2就有點小失望

lf2523108/07 02:14S1便宜但品質真的堪憂,很容易被干擾,韌體更新後也是