[情報] 迷你系列2AM公布 傭兵PVP勝利寶箱改1隻

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時間推噓 7 推:7 噓:0 →:1

10/28 Update: After watching the data since our October 26 update, we are
currently rolling out an update to the Fighting Pit rewards system. Going
forward, wins will count towards Fighting Pit daily rewards if you defeat oneor more enemy Mercenaries, instead of three. We believe this will continue tocurb the unacceptable wintrading behavior while also allowing players to be
awarded for legitimate games that are decided early. We will continue to
monitor the data to see if any further changes will be needed going forward.




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Youngwuj 10/29 02:04公佈了11/2上市

smallpig090310/29 02:05主題死亡礦坑 大范會怎麼呈現呢

Muting46 10/29 02:06史上最多熱修XD

milkBK 10/29 02:18坐等hotfix團隊組工會反抗XD

cookiey 10/29 11:06改成一隻不錯

ianasd 10/29 11:22大家都放一隻單幹

pig8409 10/29 11:34都放一隻就是猜拳XD

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