Bathroom Planning: Basin
A good washbasin gives the bathroom both practicality and design. It is more
A good washbasin gives the bathroom both practicality and design. It is more
pleasant to prepare for the start of the day when rinsing. But in addition tothe brand, there are simple categories to choose from. Let's take a look.
If you look down at the bottom of the basin, you will find that there are
actually three holes, cold water, hot water, and drainage. If you think it isugly and you want to hide it, you can buy a 'half-ceramic foot' or a 'column'to cover it. If you want storage to put detergent or bath milk, you can also
refer to the 'bath cabinet', and the bathroom cabinet plate is 'foam board',
which can greatly reduce the chance of mold. There are also hanging bath
cabinets and floor-standing bath cabinets to select. If the child is more
naughty and prefers to press the basin, then the column and the
floor-standing bath cabinet are suitable, but if you like to wash the
bathroom floor, then the floor-standing basin is easy to clean.
Usually, the drainage of the bathroom is on the wall, but some of them will
be drained on the ground. At this time, you must pay attention to the
bathroom cabinet to avoid the problem of unusability. In addition, some
countertops are designed with artificial stone and basin-mounted basins. The
design and texture are greatly added, but it is more inconvenient if damaged
or replaced.
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[情報] 凱撒衛浴精選商品優惠活動到8/31,需至經銷門市購買 優惠摘要15
[問題] 馬桶與面盆設備詢問公司辦公室準備搬遷,老闆有計畫要裝潢整個新辦公空間,目前辦公區域的規劃大抵確定, 但廁所目前是浴室的設計,並不符合我們作為辦公室的規劃,加上設備也老舊,因此會重新 整修,既符合我們的需要也順道更新設備。 由於平常老闆忙。因此,由我跟著設計師看了幾個衛浴設備的展間,其中也包含TOTO和INAX13
[問題] 衛浴換修 品牌推薦老屋換修 除了馬桶外,原預計連面盆浴櫃、鏡子一起換 原本想整組都用TOTO,但看完報價整個超出預算 請問還有什麼廠牌好用又CP值高的可推薦的呢? 謝謝各位5
[問題] 極小浴室如何佈局作者: chonger (快樂人生) 看板: SpaceArt 標題: [請益] 極小浴室如何佈局 時間: Fri Sep 24 18:05:53 2021 各位版友好 最近在幫老人家規劃他們的退休房 浴室的佈局相當苦惱 (剛剛才發了一篇問鏡櫃跟浴櫃的文章 洗版抱歉)2
[問題] 請問浴室臉盆陶瓷一體盆VS人造石一體盆大家好,最近家裡的浴櫃壞了,五金都鏽蝕了,想換個90公分的浴櫃,做了下功課我比較 傾向檯面跟面盆一體的浴櫃,但是有分陶瓷的跟人造石的,我不知道該怎麼選擇,我自己 是希望耐髒程度比較好的,請問大家這2種耐髒程度哪個比較好? 我列一下這2款的各別特色 陶瓷一體盆:價格比人造石便宜,感覺比較好清理,但美觀程度不如人造石。2
[心得] 小坪數浴室6個規劃小技巧現在越來越多人購買小宅,扣除基本的客餐廳與臥室房間後,預留給浴室的空間也就更小 巧,針對小坪數浴室的規劃除了多爭取一點收納空間外,也要盡可能運用畸零空間,一起 看看小坪數浴室的設計小技巧吧! 浴櫃不落地1
[問題] 浴櫃施作推薦由於原本的浴櫃是木材 已發霉到無法使用 鉸鏈也已生銹 加上面盆也開始有裂痕出現 想一次換掉面盆與浴櫃- 原本建商配的面盆是塑料 設計師報價12000訂製發泡版 仿間盆+櫃好像約16000左右 不知道大家有沒有推薦的浴櫃廠商? 或是你們都怎麼處理這塊呢?
- 因預售屋即將交屋而準備拆掉一間衛浴,多的浴櫃鏡櫃面盆(廠商為麗舍),全新未使用, 便宜出售各3000元,希望剛好有需要的人可以帶走。面盆和浴櫃爲一組如能一起帶走最好。 鏡櫃尺寸 75*80*14cm(更新:鏡櫃已售出) 面盆尺寸 70*50*15cm(K-18572T-1-0) 浴櫃尺寸 67*51*48.5cm