Re: [問題] AIS無法購買新方案

看板Japan_Travel標題Re: [問題] AIS無法購買新方案作者
時間推噓 3 推:3 噓:0 →:6

※ 引述《anne80916ann (企鵝)》之銘言:
: 原本的方案到期了今天想買新方案,
: 已經儲值好430元,
: 卻一直無法購買。

: 客服也打不通,
: 不知道是不是還要設定什麼沒設定好,
: 請問有人知道怎麼解決嗎?
一直想這問題應該有個簡單的答覆,只好寫信去問為什麼不能用 myAIS 買?



目前最划算就是買官網給的 6GB 10days *111*370# 349 THB(含 7% 稅)




After the discussion with a Marketing department regarding to this
Campaign Ready2Fly Series 7+3GB and 7+5 GB for Japan , we're regret to informthat SIM2Fly card which purchased in Overseas would be unavailable for
subscribing Campaign Ready2Fly 7+3 GB . krub
, It was an error why it's stillshowing on your myAIS Application as an option krub . Please be informed thatyou would be getting a normal Ready2Fly with only 7 GB . Please kindly see
available roaming packages for SIM2Fly card and USSD Code for registering as
below .

+SIM2Fly series

- SIM2Fly Asia&Australia 1GB 2days 119 THB (stop) dial *111*356# calls out - SIM2Fly Asia&Australia 4GB 8days 299 THB (continue with reduced speed
128 Kbps as Unlimited data) dial *111*354# calls out
- SIM2Fly Asia&Australia 6GB 10days 349 THB (continue with reduced speed
128 Kbps as Unlimited data) dial *111*370# calls out

- SIM2Fly Global 1GB 3days 299 THB (stop) dial *111*359# calls out
- SIM2Fly Global 4GB 15days 799 THB (continue with reduced speed 128 Kbpsas Unlimited data) dial *111*358# calls out
- SIM2Fly Global 6GB 15days 849 THB (continue with reduced speed 128 Kbpsas Unlimited data) dial *111*371# calls out
- SIM2Fly Global 15GB 365days 2699 THB (stop) *111*600# calls out

+Ready2Fly series

- Ready2Fly Asia&Australia 7GB 10days 426.93THB (continue with reduced
speed 128 Kbps as Unlimited data) *111*399#
- Ready2Fly Global 7GB 15days 961.93 THB (continue with reduced speed 128Kbps as Unlimited data) *111*899#

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have additional questions .
Also please keep your healthy well during this winter season .

Happy New Year! - wishing you good friends and happy memories.

Best Regards
Khanin / Social Media Contact Center


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※ 編輯: ji3g4go6 ( 臺灣), 01/13/2023 08:55:48

jimsam 01/13 14:08What?所以用myAIS上的 只能用SIM2Fly的方案嗎?

jimsam 01/13 14:10SIM2Fly也只能透過簡碼啟用?

jimsam 01/13 14:10AIS APP上的方案可以直接買嗎?

jimsam 01/13 14:10

jimsam 01/13 14:36查看官網都顯示5G,但我的卡是之前的4G卡

jimsam 01/13 14:36請問會有影響嗎?大大們也是4G卡嗎

ji3g4go6 01/13 21:49信箱客服就是說那組不能買,能買的代碼就是我貼的那

ji3g4go6 01/13 21:49些。

jimsam 01/14 08:18感謝分享