[閒聊] NewJeans歌曲中前奏最好聽的是哪一首?

看板KoreaStar標題[閒聊] NewJeans歌曲中前奏最好聽的是哪一首?作者
時間推噓62 推:62 噓:0 →:16

大家覺得NewJeans的歌曲中 前奏(開頭)最好聽的是哪一首?



Hype Boy



來源: theqoo

1. Attention!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2. 這個一定是1

3. Attention和New Jeans

4. 開頭的話一定是New Jeans

5. 我選Hype Boy和New Jeans

6. 這題一定是Ditto吧..

7. 絕對是Attention,MV公開的時候真的太衝擊了

8. Hype Boy,就算是大雪的時候聽也會想起夏天

9. 開頭的話Attention和Ditto不相上下,但還是Attention

10. Attention!! 第二名是Cool With You

11. 我選Attention,個人沒有很喜歡Ditto的開頭..

12. Hype Boy,一出來的時候真的超級瘋狂

13. Ditto>Hype Boy>Attention

14. Attention!!! NewJeans的根源就是Attention

15. 雖然我最愛的歌是Hype Boy,但開頭的話是Attention

(轉載請註明 韓網評論翻譯站,謝謝~)



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htc10 04/07 22:47慈濟那首

rianeee 04/07 22:47Attention > Ditto > Hype boy

justtakethat 04/07 22:51Hype Boy

Ricky0955 04/07 22:53Hype Boy前奏一下直接嗨起來

JuneSixth 04/07 22:55絕對是Ditto的 呼呼呼

condenza 04/07 23:01DITTO

angelliao37 04/07 23:06Ditto

lin881102 04/07 23:07首專比起雙主打我更愛cookie那個魔性ㄧ

lin881102 04/07 23:07ˇㄧㄚ~

samanthasama 04/07 23:08這三首我只記得Ditto的前奏...

drinkjuice 04/07 23:10我選Attention

lucan9 04/07 23:11Hype Boy

light20735 04/07 23:13Hype Boy超讚

lilweiting 04/07 23:14Attention

AnsRiven03 04/07 23:15Ditto

maxheartttw 04/07 23:17Hype boy 唯一神曲

freeblade 04/07 23:19Hype boy

yujuismylove 04/07 23:19Hype boy

hyeok23 04/07 23:21我喜歡Hype boy 跟 NJ

merkx051 04/07 23:23Ditto

Banarry 04/07 23:30うさぎ版的cookie

m36580 04/07 23:34Ditto

Rafachu 04/07 23:39Zero (J.I.D Remix)

henry654 04/07 23:40我最喜歡Atteintion但我很好奇OMG

henry654 04/07 23:40怎麼沒入選

m2839381 04/07 23:43我想選ETA 一開頭就很熱血

likebadday 04/07 23:50Attention

p47603986 04/07 23:53Ditto

hsx1002 04/07 23:54Attention

LYX981024 04/07 23:55看到標題腦子就想起Hurt前奏 這首超級

LYX981024 04/07 23:55好聽 很愛Remix版

hamilton 04/07 23:57Ditto 一票

CYuzzz 04/08 00:00Attention

wulinuelf 04/08 00:02new jeans

mjtc 04/08 00:03Hype boy真的超讚聽不膩

mjtc 04/08 00:04另外也喜歡NJ跟Cool with you

amor0717 04/08 00:09我喜歡ASAP xddd

iamseanx 04/08 00:14不用選 都很讚

pttnew 04/08 00:25太難選

ys1995 04/08 00:30Hype Boy (OMG的前奏只有3秒

linchez 04/08 00:37Hype Boy

kai1470 04/08 00:59看到標題第一個出現的竟然是cool with yo

kai1470 04/08 00:59u哈哈哈,很愛這首前奏欸

Dubufan0528 04/08 01:03OMG

Dubufan0528 04/08 01:04喔 沒看到前奏==

jplix 04/08 01:20Hype Boy

AndrawHarden 04/08 02:27我選ETA

yeustream 04/08 02:57都很讚

a31324285 04/08 03:01ditto

wow5050 04/08 07:51ETA

Ronee 04/08 08:07Ditto

eva2255848 04/08 09:35Attention狂粉在此

unmolk 04/08 09:35Ditto

coeXist 04/08 09:45推Ditto的呼呼呼 by Hyein

mikiworldpea 04/08 10:03Attention

louhuang 04/08 10:39Hype Boy

m90203 04/08 11:05ditto

mhhe 04/08 11:44絕對是Ditto的呼呼呼 神曲

qd6590 04/08 12:13Ditto 呼呼嗚呼

g9911761 04/08 12:49低頭

leonmarsman 04/08 13:05Hype

john1122boy 04/08 13:07有好幾首根本選不出來

georgegot7 04/08 13:14超愛ditto

ski123 04/08 13:15Ditto

Schwertlilie 04/08 13:19ETA意外的越來越喜歡

vEHEH 04/08 13:32開頭的話絕對是Attention

yutan0802 04/08 14:45att forever

AkanishiJin 04/08 14:55Attention

reader8581 04/08 15:18Ditto

BusterPosey 04/08 15:19喜歡New Jeans

lukesnake 04/08 17:22Ditto

Kenko323 04/08 17:24開頭喜歡Attention

MADAOTW 04/08 17:57OMG

Ja5perle3 04/08 18:17Ditto靈魂都要被唱走了

ashley0904 04/08 21:35Attention

hungyuan 04/09 09:33低頭

miakyu520 04/09 13:04Ditto~~~

cyusih 04/09 23:18Ditto