Re: [外電] AD給 LBJ 和湖人的感性信
Dear LeBron,
致球迷們, 我已傾盡所有。
致湖人隊, 感謝這段旅程。
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[外絮] LBJ回應一位現場球迷:你除了知道球進、LBJ回應一位現場球迷:你除了知道球進、不進還知道什麼?閉嘴吧你 Playing in front of their home crowd, the Lakers did not deliver the way fans in LA expect them to. And as a result, Lakers fans booed LeBron James and the Lake rs. The Lakers are one of the most successful franchises in NBA history, and pla ying at this level with the amount of talent available to them is truly unaccept爆
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[外絮] Perkins:湖人本季無望了,該考慮讓LBJPerkins:湖人本季無望了,該考慮讓LBJ關機 This has been a disastrous season for the Los Angeles Lakers. There’s no other way around it. When you have LeBron James on your team, anything other than a Fi nals appearance is a failure. Failing to make the playoffs? That’s basically ak in to catastrophe for any LeBron team.爆
[外絮] Vogel:我不知道沒有LBJ湖人會排在第幾Vogel:我不知道沒有LBJ湖人會排在第幾 LeBron James is having a fantastic offensive season in the 19th year of his care er. He has had to take on a massive scoring load for the Los Angeles Lakers this season due to their lack of offensive threats on the roster. Currently, LeBron James is averaging an astounding 29.8 PPG, 8.2 RPG, and 6.2 APG.爆
[情報] 湖人隊 今天搭機回到洛杉磯消息來源: Los Angeles, your champions have returned 湖人隊已經在今天搭乘飛機從奧蘭多返回洛杉磯 LeBron James 也帶著個人第四座總冠軍戰最有價值球員的獎盃回來99
[情報] LeBron James 希望能在湖人隊結束球員生涯消息來源: LeBron James says he wants to finish his career with the Lakers LBJ 日前參加播客節目時提到真的想要在湖人隊結束球員生涯 而他也表示不管在接下來能再打多少年,還是希望能夠繼續打比賽60
[情報] 名記:LBJ知道自己領跑MVP競爭,他渴望名記:LBJ知道自己領跑MVP競爭,他渴望拿第5個MVP 虎撲02月14日訊 近日,ESPN著名記者Rachel Nichols在電視節目中點評了湖人前鋒 LeBron James 近期的出場時間。19
[花邊] 暌違9年再奪季後賽主場勝 湖人球迷高呼布萊恩來源: 聯合報 記者劉肇育/即時報導 Getty Images 洛杉磯湖人隊在今天(28號)與鳳凰城太陽隊的系列賽第三戰以109:95取勝後,拿下暌