Fw: [外絮] 2020/03/03 AD賽後訪問 逐段文字稿翻譯

看板Lakers標題Fw: [外絮] 2020/03/03 AD賽後訪問 逐段文字稿翻譯作者
(my way)
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※ [本文轉錄自 NBA 看板 #1UOG6KNy ]

作者: iamnotore (my way) 看板: NBA
標題: [外絮] 20200303 AD賽後訪問 逐段文字稿翻譯
時間: Thu Mar 5 21:41:36 2020




R: Anthony Davis, with 37 points, 13 rebounds, they all look like really nicenumbers, but how much of what you were able to do tonight offensively was a
cause and effect of what you guys did defensively?
記者:AD, 今天得了37分,抓下13個籃板,看起來數據很漂亮,但是你今晚進攻端的表現對於全隊防守端有什麼因果關係嗎?

A: We started, you know, get into the groove offensively when we started
playing defense. You know, we were terrible in the first quarter, and they
made… had 14 attempts and then made probably six or seven threes in the
first quarter, and we wasn’t logged into our game plan, so we had to come
out in the second quarter, and just get it going. And I think some of it lay
to easy bucket throwdown for kind of …often it was a click and then we can't
afford to rely on our offense as … as a… as a buyout for our defense. We
got just… just keep going whether we make a shot or not, and we did that in
the second half.
AD: 當我們開始加強防守,進攻就會上軌道。我們第一節打得很爛,對方三分球出手十四次,進了六球還是七球(註:實際上是五球),而我們沒辦法打出戰術。所以我們在第二節必須打出戰術,想辦法得分。我們有些球讓對方太容易灌進,一瞬間就進球了,我們不能只靠進攻而不管防守。不管得分與否我們都必須更拚,而下半場我們做到了。

R: AD, LeBron talked so much about learning how to win. How close do you
think you guys are to being ready for postseason play?

A: I mean we are close. We are not too far off to make ourselves get better
at it. I think, you know, tonight, you know, was a good test for us, I mean,
this team is still a hell of a team, you know, without their two main guys.
They can shoot the ball very well and we know it's going to be tough to… to
win against teams like this, you know, got…you get a chance to step up and
show that they belong in the league, so I think we're close, you know, you
know, when we get leads we got to learn how to maintain leads. It's… it's
pretty easy for us to get to lead when we come and play this out that we wantto, but we kind of take our fluff of gas a little bit and let things get backin it, and make it a close game. And… and we did that tonight and we can't
afford to do that, especially to lead it to the postseason.

R: Did you have a flashback in the second quarter back to your Chicago high
school days as a point guard when you hit it with that Euro step?

A: A little bit, a little bit. The parts of being a guard before I became a
big … I get to handle the ball like this, so, you know, it was fun. It was
fun tonight. You know, what’s important, we got the win, you know, just keep
getting better.

R: Nice win, thanks for your time. I appreciate it, AD.

A: Thank you.



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