[情報] Info- Dwight Howard will play

看板Lakers標題[情報] Info- Dwight Howard will play 作者
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Lakers center Dwight Howard told
@[email protected]
today he has decided to play in restarted NBA season, join the team on Thursday in Orlando, and will donate his remaining game checks to his non-profit campaign Breathe Again.



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zz2567860607/07 11:39而且聖光會將剩餘的賽季薪水捐出去

※ 編輯: karta1992560 ( 臺灣), 07/07/2020 11:42:29 ※ 編輯: karta1992560 ( 臺灣), 07/07/2020 11:43:01

xser2307/07 11:54光芒萬丈

bbrex07/07 11:54水啦!魔獸棒棒!

spikes993307/07 12:15聖人護體

LesBleus07/07 12:24Nice!!

kuoshenghsu07/07 12:24水哦

matsuwu07/07 12:42讚啦!!

zehow07/07 12:51

clark6607/07 13:05聖光獸

newsboy342307/07 13:05水!!!!!

Joey199907/07 13:10好險 沒他這冠無望

LBJKO07/07 13:42有他在 禁區安心不少~

jerryyuan07/07 14:21休了幾個月體能回復,衝

w907/07 14:24水啦

sickle3007/07 15:34還願意捐錢 這....這太聖光了QQ

doclin07/07 16:16沒AB又沒聖光,我湖會被捅穿,好險~

jerryyuan07/07 17:24又不一定,現在是休賽季有些人生理時鐘可能還在休

hanslins07/07 19:05聖光

jzbobby07/07 20:01幹我再也不酸DH了

michaelkobe07/07 20:53本來就該這樣,打了有錢拿才能做更多事,不打是能幹

michaelkobe07/07 20:53

LBoris07/07 23:07有Morris兄的消息嗎?好像都沒看到他的影子

jerryyuan07/08 09:49對吼,都沒他消息

CW407/08 12:24蠻欣慰的 他這季真的很好

andy99101707/09 15:44這很聖光

hungtzung07/11 11:25整個洗白洗到發出光芒