Fw: [專欄] 格林看不到的價值:投射爛卻影響冠軍賽

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作者: kyle5241 (Kyle Korver) 看板: NBA
標題: [專欄] 格林看不到的價值:投射爛卻影響冠軍賽
時間: Fri Oct 9 00:23:00 2020

Danny Green's invisible value: How the third-highest paid Laker has impacted
NBA Finals amid a shooting slump

Death, taxes and Danny Green shooting slumps. They are the three
inevitabilities of life, and for the "glass half full" crowd, they come with
more optimistic opposites. Death is only the end result of life. The more youmake, the more you're taxed. And Green's slumps only stick out because his
hot streaks are so blistering. Toronto's championship run was a perfect
example. Green went 4-for-23 from behind the arc in the Eastern Conference
finals... and then started the NBA Finals 11-of-22 and all was forgiven.
Green's shot comes and goes.


It hasn't in the bubble. Green is sitting at 33 percent for the postseason,
and with only one game remaining before a potential championship, it's
looking like his typical eruption isn't coming. Yet Frank Vogel hasn't taken
him out of the starting lineup even once. Neither did Nick Nurse a year ago,
or Gregg Popovich in any of his last six postseason runs in San Antonio. Someof that is trust. Some of it is blind hope of regression. But mostly, three
of the best coaches in the NBA have all come to the same correct conclusion:
Danny Green still impacts games positively even when his shot isn't falling.


The numbers bear that out for the Lakers. They have outscored opponents by
148 points in Green's 476 playoff minutes and have been outscored by 14 in
the 436 minutes he's sat out. The obvious explanation for this is that he is
still an excellent defensive player independent of his own shooting, yet mostof this gap comes on offense. The Lakers are scoring 121.5 points per 100
possessions with Green on the floor in the postseason and 107.5 without him.
Lakers fans frustrated with his nearly-$15 million salary have run through
the entire laundry list of possible excuses for that from "he still has
gravity even when his shots aren't falling" to "he plays most of his minutes
with LeBron James and Anthony Davis" to "it's just blind shooting luck in hislineups," but the far simpler answer here is that Green is just an enormouslyintelligent basketball player.


Basketball IQ tends to be ascribed to ball-handlers. It's easy to watch RajonRondo dissect a defense in pick-and-roll and marvel at his brilliance, but
the label shouldn't be so limited. Shooting, in Green's case, is the
byproduct of the dozens of little things that make him such a special role
player whether or not those shots go in. Game 4 of the NBA Finals provided a
number of worthwhile examples.


Selling the screen
LeBron is one of the NBA's preeminent switch-hunters, and Duncan Robinson hasbeen his prey of choice in the Finals. The method is simple: whoever Robinsonis guarding screens for LeBron, which forces Robinson to switch onto LeBron.
Miami's defense is so concerned with mitigating the damage of such a switch
that they lost track of the simplest switch-busting tactic in basketball:


A lazy slip is a predictable slip, but nothing about Green's acting job here
is lazy. He comes from the opposite corner seemingly to screen for James, andsells the idea of that screen to Robinson masterfully with a quick, tiny
little jump stop in front of Jimmy Butler. Robinson switches, but immediatelyfollowing that stop, he continues into the corner before making serious
contact with Butler. Butler, therefore, doesn't register the switch, and
Green gets a wide-open 3-pointer from the corner.


Green punished the Heat for their expectations, goading Robinson into a
switch that wasn't necessary in order to free himself for easy points. Most
players slip too early. Some players oversell the screen. But nuance is
Green's specialty, and he isn't the sole beneficiary of those veteran tricks.


Peek-a-boo and the art of off-ball movement


Green spends a lot of his time in the corner. Many role players do. He startsthis play like most others, waiting there for the action to potentially reachhim. Eventually, it does. Kentavious Caldwell-Pope runs a loop around the
court, and Bam Adebayo chases him. But watch what happens when Caldwell-Pope
gets to the baseline. Green quickly shuffles out of the corner and behind
Tyler Herro, obstructing Adebayo's vision of him. He then immediately pops
back out from behind Herro once Caldwell-Pope has passed for a surprise
screen on Adebayo, which takes him off of Caldwell-Pope.


It's the role player equivalent of White Goodman's patented peek-a-boo
attack, but its impact is much subtler. The hard screen forces Adebayo off ofCaldwell-Pope and into the corner on Green. Despite his best efforts, that
functionally takes Miami's best defender out of the play, which turns into a
dunk for Davis that he couldn't contest because of Green's gravity.


Green quietly punked Adebayo again a bit later, and just as before, the move
was subtle. Bam winds up in the corner on Green, and as Davis drives, Green
gives Adebayo a nice little tap on the back, as if to say "don't worry big
fella, I'm right here, you can leave me alone and creep towards the basket."
It buys him a split second of freedom to launch the 3.


Adebayo was a Second-Team All-Defense forward this season. Few wings have
gotten the better of him. Green did in the second quarter of Game 4 through
little more than veteran guile. He has plenty of that on defense as well.


His lightning-quick, ambidextrous hands

Green revealed in an interview during his rookie year that he is
ambidextrous, but nobody paid it much mind because he barely dribbles. Where
it has come into play, though, is on defense. Green is not just comfortable
swiping with either hand, but can do so at almost any angle. One of his Game
4 steals came as he chased Herro, reached around his body and poked the ball
out from behind with his right hand for the two easiest points of the night.


He very nearly came up with another steal from behind, this time with his
left hand while side-shuffling over a screen.


Green has lost a step with age and a hip injury has nagged him during the
postseason, but he remains a valuable defender in large part because of how
he can use his length. Green tied for the Laker lead in deflections per game
during the regular season, and even if he gets beaten off of the dribble morethan he used to, he still affects jump-shooters even after chasing them
around the court.


It speaks to one of Green's best traits, something that has shown up in all
of these clips: his spatial awareness. Green uses and manipulates his
position on the court as well as practically any off-ball player in
basketball, and he does it on both sides of the ball. It is part of what setshim apart from his more traditional 3-and-D contemporaries. He doesn't need
to hit his 3's to provide value.


In a sense, that could be viewed as the mantra for this entire Laker team.
They are about to win a championship in the highest-volume 3-point shooting
season of all time despite taking the 23rd-most 3-pointers per game in
basketball. Their stars drive that contrarian approach, but their role
players support it, perhaps none more so than Green, the shooter that doesn'tneed to shoot.


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※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ※ 轉錄者: LakersDlo ( 美國), 10/09/2020 08:45:18 ※ 編輯: LakersDlo ( 美國), 10/09/2020 08:47:35

LuckyoPuppy10/09 08:52G4說真的還行啦,但也不到聖光

LBJKO10/09 09:28他防守細節做的很好 但進攻很可惜就是鐵 加上身上多處傷痛

LBJKO10/09 09:28 很拼了

L1ON10/09 09:29認同

hajimels10/09 09:44每次說DG跑位跟防守還在, 都被說是在護航耶, 還以為這篇

hajimels10/09 09:45會被噓成X lol

matsuwu10/09 10:03G4真的打的很ok了

matsuwu10/09 10:03DG最可惜的真的是超級會跑空檔,但是投不進

arthurkot10/09 11:35我還是看不懂為什麼這樣值1500萬,以不進攻的角色球員

arthurkot10/09 11:35而言這根本頂薪了吧。

on3210/09 11:44因為沒人可以簽了 都被快艇搶走

on3210/09 11:45後面不是都是綜藝團咖 JR 魔獸 服務生 RR

liang85040910/09 12:04問題本來就不大 真的就是有點貴而已 不如那些錢給豆

azazazaz10/09 12:21靈氣逼人

hajimels10/09 12:371500萬那時最適的人選只剩DG了,看球隊簽人,不能只看

hajimels10/09 12:37錢和表現,要看當下時空整體有沒有其他選擇

matsuwu10/09 12:49簽人真的要看當時時空背景,有時候不拉高一點根本也簽不

matsuwu10/09 12:49

matsuwu10/09 12:50當時一些好用年輕3D,例如新人王,都開季前兩天全簽完了

SULICon10/09 13:09當時是Danny Green 等湖人,否則他就要去獨行俠了

SULICon10/09 13:13客觀來說湖人的報價是優於獨行俠的 36M/3Y,不過當時若

SULICon10/09 13:13是Green 沒加入湖人所代表的涵意是 Kawhi Leonard 加入

SULICon10/09 13:13了湖人

spko10/09 13:33Kawhi = Green + KCP + McGee + Cousins

spko10/09 13:34然後Cousins受傷變成了Dwight,就這樣思考好了 XD

woodyyyy10/09 13:35簽他真的是逼不得已啊,他也沒有多爛啊...就是貴了點,

woodyyyy10/09 13:35只是在季初也沒其他選擇了,DG也知道自己對LAKERS的吸引

woodyyyy10/09 13:35力還在,湖人需要他,價錢自然拉高罷了

civic810/09 13:42拿到冠軍後1500萬就值得了

cblade10/09 13:42就沒有更好的選擇

freemannn10/09 13:56DG骰歸骰,但說真的,他的三分大空檔機會莫名的多

SULICon10/09 13:56哪有什麼逼不得已.....

baigyatsh10/09 14:23叫green的宿命?

x85122110/09 14:29簽DG的時候還沒到逼不得已啦 當初他就跟KL說好一人一隊

x85122110/09 14:29只是沒想到DG退化這麼快 空檔完全投不進 逼不得已是KL這

x85122110/09 14:29王八蛋一直拖一直拖 確定不來時已經沒啥人了

spko10/09 14:44這叫"備案",甚麼逼不得已....

spko10/09 14:45Pelinka的備案就是Green + KCP,可能再加上AB這樣

spko10/09 14:45三個人合力吃下Kawhi一尊超巨可能帶來的績效

elviscarter10/09 14:48DG很會跑位 v.s DG對手放投

dgq7514810/09 14:57即使季後賽命中率比較低 我覺得不能否定整個賽季的表現

ERIKATokyo10/09 14:57可惜季後賽少一個AB的防守

dgq7514810/09 14:57在防守端帶起來的動力 比想像中的多 而且他做得很好

dgq7514810/09 14:58即使比賽當天手感不好 也不會像一些經驗少的選手進而影

dgq7514810/09 14:58想防守的步調

dgq7514810/09 14:59就以多次的冠軍賽經驗以及拼命的態度 他值這個薪水

tliu22310/09 15:02角色球員只要合同不長,溢點價就關系不太大

tliu22310/09 15:03其實Green主要是總決賽大暴投(可能有傷病影響),不然

tliu22310/09 15:03前三輪36%的命中率也算不錯了

tliu22310/09 15:04連兩年總冠軍的教練都不是傻子啦XD

cblade10/09 15:20DG不就是等湖人PLAB B,你那個時間沒更好的選擇拉...

cblade10/09 15:22更好的選擇你也要出的起

cblade10/09 15:23至少目前來看,今年很成功就是,希望穩穩拿下總冠就好

LABOYS10/09 15:23差點連下限都填不了,你還要拜託他拿1500 XD

cblade10/09 15:25PLAN B 打錯了XD

allssddaa10/09 16:34另一方面湖人如果沒有先跟他談1500 他可能就不等去領獨

allssddaa10/09 16:34的1200了

qwqwqqw10/09 16:44因為很多人對聖堂的期待是 他在馬刺時期的投射水準啊

qwqwqqw10/09 16:45再想到2016年JR季後賽三分接近5成 聖堂被罵真的剛好而已

Solid410/09 17:13幫回顧一下,DG簽下都7/6了的樣子,開市是6/30

cblade10/09 17:52在馬刺季後賽3分也是有一年沒一年的

cblade10/09 17:52只能看未來有沒有機會骰到6了..

SilenceWFL10/09 18:28認真看了一下馬刺時期跟湖人的投籃狀態 他在湖人明顯

SilenceWFL10/09 18:28對不上進攻節奏 出手感覺都不太對

SilenceWFL10/09 18:28另外體能的衰退導致他投籃不像以前一樣輕鬆

babyface197710/09 18:33他跑位好,所以看到空檔多

LakersDlo10/09 18:35Green也是身體跟不上頭腦的範例吧XD

LakersDlo10/09 18:36快攻結果不會上籃、大空檔結果投不進XDDDD

SilenceWFL10/09 18:48他的投籃屬於two-motion 本來就比較吃下盤力量,再者

SilenceWFL10/09 18:48他非常依靠手腕的彈性出手 因此只要節奏不對就不會進

Joey199910/09 19:30DG如果明天可以投進兩顆就值了,拜託

Deathclaw10/09 19:50DG明天能繼續保持Final以來的高+-就夠了 贏球就好 XD

nhfish10/09 20:08他在馬刺後期也是投不進被某些刺迷嫌得很慘阿

SULICon10/09 20:26其實是他自己的問題,不論是從「數據」上來看,或是他「

SULICon10/09 20:26個人訪談」中所表示,他比較習慣pull up jumper而不是wi

SULICon10/09 20:26de open

SULICon10/09 20:26他說wide open他覺得壓力比較大

kuoshenghsu10/09 20:29wide open 反而不準 XD

LABOYS10/09 20:35叫他自己帶人型立牌上場

ken72033110/09 20:40有人守超準所以大家乾脆不鳥他了

gigiii113410/09 20:43如果能簽新人王當然優先呀,可是plan BCDE都秒消失

ken72033110/09 21:04可愛戰術GET

matsuwu10/09 22:12明天3分打鐵0-4 但是正負值+30 也是很ok的

matsuwu10/09 22:14他不會投wide open但是缺超級會跑出大空檔,這技能樹真

matsuwu10/09 22:14的點太歪了lol

cblade10/09 22:18希望DG明天三分骰六 爆發一場贏球就值了..

tliu22310/09 22:22別說到六了,到四估計都能贏了XD

SULICon10/09 23:39這個季後賽wide open命中率 34.1% ,一般open shot 則是

SULICon10/09 23:39 37%

SULICon10/09 23:43以上數據是三分球的部分

kkb512sk10/10 00:08只比傷前蘿蔔好些蘿蔔至少還能底線吃餅

gigiii113410/10 00:55大概是他以前的跑位能力在馬刺剛好能跑出小空擋

gigiii113410/10 00:55但搭上LBJ後空擋就變得大到不習慣...

BignoZe10/10 02:29DG很ok 防守好 就是傷勢影響了投籃 但整體數據也沒多差

liyolai10/10 02:50只要你懂綠、綠就會幫你!

JeremyKSKGA10/10 08:27Danny Green加油

cblade10/10 14:28骰到六就贏了 是不是...

jerryyuan10/10 17:00出手一直猶豫就輸了

originbook10/11 00:37DG的防守跟跑位是有價值的

hanslins12/04 14:52湖人隊其他人都已經是完成品了,依湖人的架構除了褲子進

hanslins12/04 14:52步不會有意外了,除非要賭19歲的狀元