[外電] Austin Reaves Draft Night Story

看板Lakers標題[外電] Austin Reaves Draft Night Story作者
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Reaves told the draft night story during an appearance on his summer league teammate Vic Law’s podcast, “94 & More”

The night before, the Lakers had called, and said if for some reason I go undrafted, that they wanted to be the first place that said ‘hey, we’ve got a tw
o-way for you.’ And so going into the draft we knew that I was gonna have a two-way contract in L.A., so we were in a good place with contract stuff and things like that.


“So going into the draft we didn’t really press. I think Detroit called at l
ike 41 or 42 (Editor’s Note: The Pistons had the 42nd pick), whichever pick they had, and were like ‘we’ll take him on a two-way,’ and it was really jus
t more a situation where I wanted to be where we saw the best fit.”

Reaves and his agent clearly felt like that spot was Los Angeles (and not Detroit), which is why they told the Pistons not to draft him, and he promptly signed a two-way deal with the Lakers after the conclusion of the draft.


So far, their gamble is looking pretty smart, as Reaves impressed enough overthe totality of summer league and the offseason to earn a promotion from a two-way deal to the team’s 14th guaranteed contract. By virtue of that two-year
contract, he will — much like Alex Caruso did with the Lakers before him — h
ave a chance to hit free agency and cash in earlier in his NBA lifecycle thana drafted player who played well would.

-目前為止,這場賭注看起來非常聰明,從夏季聯賽開始Reaves 就相當令人驚艷,並且為自己爭取到從雙向合約被拔擢成為大名單第14人的正式合約、一筆兩年合約,這個操作,就有些像之前湖人對於Caruso的操盤一樣,而Reaves 未來也有機會在生涯初期就能於自由市場爭取更多薪資、甚至比被選到的球員還要好。

Reaves and his representation clearly believed he could show enough to make up for any financial risk they took by going undrafted, and so far that faith has been rewarded with one guaranteed contract already. If Reaves can continue to impress as his career continues, their choice will look better and better in retrospect.

Reaves 與經紀團隊相信他的實力足以打出成績,以彌補刻意落選這個冒險所可能導致的損失,目前為止這樣的自信確實得到報酬,他贏得了正式合約,如果Reaves 能持續在生涯中打出亮眼表現,這個刻意落選的決定將會看起來更加明智、且成為未來能夠加以回顧的案例。


LeBron James on Austin Reaves: "The kid is pretty good and we're happy to have him here."


Frank Vogel on Austin Reaves: "He's done enough to earn my trust."

-還不確定是否讓Reaves 進輪換,但他確實贏得我的信任了。





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※ 編輯: jetloading00 ( 臺灣), 10/15/2021 20:07:44

TorukMakto10/15 20:16THT後又一個有看頭的小將

aup3cl410/15 20:27投射希望能再進步

joulin10/15 20:31跟卡禿不太一樣類型 卡禿是爆發力 但準度還好

joulin10/15 20:31他是沒有那麼有爆發力 但準度 手感 出手流暢度好很多

ken72033110/15 20:34體能在慢慢練起來對抗性變好,大有可為,第一年菜鳥都

ken72033110/15 20:34是對抗性比較差

tonyparker1810/15 20:41AR在熱身賽看起來打得比THT好..

jetloading0010/15 20:48菜鳥能那麼快得到一群老大哥信任不簡單

ohmyya10/15 21:12話說髮型要先剪成星海哥那樣嗎 GH換髮型就爆發

LBJKO10/15 21:24AR跟AC有類似能帶給團隊正向的能力

LBJKO10/15 21:24他爆發力彈力都沒AC好 但出手準度跟組織磨練後有機會超越

Johseagull10/15 21:42看來我湖也是算有信用

gm7922792210/15 21:5842順位還是雙向也蠻慘的

aheartcool10/15 22:23某些傳球算有靈性,持續看好

jetloading0010/15 23:17

jetloading0010/15 23:18熱身賽完整高光

tonyparker1810/15 23:35看完高光 覺得THT真的被比下去了XDD 投射被AR屌打

jetloading0010/15 23:39希望THT、AR有機會養成未來後場組合

Addressg10/16 00:11重點AR超泠靜,他沒空檔絕不會硬射,這THT能學一點就好

jetloading0010/16 00:12畢竟AR年紀大THT三歲 還是比較成熟XD

umdm10/16 00:13原來AR比THT老 天啊 怪不得這麼多人看好THT

shch10/16 00:34幹,這種catch and shot的速度我湖好久沒有了

TheoEpstein10/16 08:03好文給推

jetloading0010/16 08:22除了讚賞AR表現外,佩總選前就下手AR這也是快狠準!

jetloading0010/16 08:25湖人球探的眼光也是真的很神

TheoEpstein10/16 08:27回推文,42順位有雙向不錯了,有些球隊二輪是放洋。

TheoEpstein10/16 08:2823歲還要「被放洋」的話可能一輩子打不了NBA了

jetloading0010/16 08:33這篇講的內容就呼應到之前王桑那篇兩人刻意落選的

jetloading0010/16 08:33文~只可惜Ayayi 沒能像AR一樣爭氣

jetloading0010/16 08:35之前湖人記者提,AR是選前球探試訓完就鎖定,至於Ay

jetloading0010/16 08:35ayi 是選秀到一半時意外收穫

jetloading0010/16 08:35看來我們球探認證的還是比較準。

TheoEpstein10/16 08:58其實選秀這種東西也會影響不少,七六人硬選的那個本

TheoEpstein10/16 08:58來是跟別隊談好了2+1合約,打算故意落選,結果莫雷硬

TheoEpstein10/16 08:58選後不肯開一樣條件,搞到球員到九月才簽約(2+1,第

TheoEpstein10/16 08:58二年部份保障),夏聯都沒得打。熱身賽也才上個位數時

TheoEpstein10/16 08:58間。

jetloading0010/16 09:03莫雷那個真的是XD 還好不是鎖定我們AR

TheoEpstein10/16 09:35我當時也心想還好不是AR被攔胡XDDDD

TheoEpstein10/16 09:39莫雷這種硬選又不肯跟進條件導致無法簽約的作法,結

TheoEpstein10/16 09:39果可能是雙輸,少了一個夏天的培育,養壞的話浪費一

TheoEpstein10/16 09:39個二輪籤,球員也可惜了。當然,對費城來說這件事在

TheoEpstein10/16 09:39西門夜奔這事面前一點都不重要。

stylerpan10/16 10:34打得很不錯,而且造型和動作很old school 讚!

ltmps10/16 10:39AR外線再準點,就可以吃掉Ellington 和 Nunn 的時間了

jetloading0010/16 12:03雖然大齡新秀 但能在強隊立即成為戰力也是奇才

TheoEpstein10/16 12:16奇才(x) 後衛傷一堆(o)

jetloading0010/16 12:20遇到這麼多傷突然得到機會 這算天選之人嗎XD

TheoEpstein10/16 12:25雪風是你?(千萬不要)

jetloading0010/16 14:35話說AR熱身賽後IG新增了蠻多粉絲XD

matsuwu10/16 15:31AR一大偷,湖人球探挖綠葉能力超強

super131556610/17 12:17Reaves的球商很不錯,可是體能、對抗性,尤其是切入

super131556610/17 12:17,都還要1-2年的養成