[情報] 03/22 Daily Horoscope

看板Leo標題[情報] 03/22 Daily Horoscope作者
時間推噓 4 推:4 噓:0 →:0

You may have to listen to or accommodate someone who you see as foolish or ignorant. This may be someone in a position of power, and so you may not have much of a choice. But what you can do, Leo, is to present your own point of viewon the matter - in a respectful and delicate way, of course - and then leave it at that. Although the authority figure may scoff at you and refuse to take your advice or consider your opinion, you will have done what you can - and someone in a stronger position may notice.



不好意思 這兩個月比較忙
App The DailyHoroscope :)


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yuanfan 03/22 06:34謝謝

s870810 03/22 07:03謝謝~

xiangyin 03/22 07:36謝謝

tachibanana 03/22 14:21謝謝~辛苦了!