[情報] 01/13 Daily Horoscope

看板Leo標題[情報] 01/13 Daily Horoscope 作者
時間推噓 6 推:6 噓:0 →:3

If we all had everything we wanted, there would be nothing left to want and therefore nothing left to strive for. For you, Leo, this could actually be an unhappy situation, since it is ingrained in you to have goals and to work at achieving them, much like the lion - the symbol of your sign - tracks down its prey. You may be feeling a pang now for something you want but don't have, so make a game out of it. Create a strategy and start reaching for what you want. And in the meantime, recognize what you already have that makes you happy.




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brequeen 01/12 21:23謝謝

oceanfishwu 01/12 21:24謝謝,覺得這個星座運勢好激勵人心,每天看了都有

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lovejyy 01/12 22:31感謝!

※ 編輯: minicha ( 泰國), 01/12/2022 23:57:31

dearTryInG 01/13 07:12上週才因為第一句的問題在諮商室哭出來,今天看到這

dearTryInG 01/13 07:12段又覺得好感動。今天是這份工作的最後一天了,希

dearTryInG 01/13 07:12望接下來真的可以好好的找新目標,謝謝翻譯!