[情報] 03/16 Daily Horoscope

看板Leo標題[情報] 03/16 Daily Horoscope作者
時間推噓 1 推:1 噓:0 →:0

You may be experiencing a profound feeling that you are in a place now where you can fulfill one of your objectives you may feel you were destined to. Whether this is something you must learn or something you must do, Leo, you know it's important. Although it may not yet be obvious what it is precisely that you have to do, you need to pay attention to this feeling and embrace it by remaining on the alert for the signs that are sure to come to you. This is an exciting time for you. You may already have what this will be in mind, so be present throughout this experience.

你也許正在體驗一種你將要達成某件一直以來想要的目標的感覺 — 不論是學習某件事或是某個你必須完成的任務,獅子們,你們知道這很重要。

也許你們還不知道該怎麼實現它,但請確實地注意這個就快要達成目標的感覺,擁抱這種感覺並對出現在你身邊的種種跡象保持覺知。這肯定會是你們期盼已久的、讓你受到激勵的時刻;你們可能已經在心裡想像過無數次這個時刻的到來,所以,好好專注於這個當下,目標達成的過程吧 :)

如有誤譯還請指正 :)


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ian31722 03/16 02:37