[閒聊] 4/12 Daily Horoscope

看板Leo標題[閒聊] 4/12 Daily Horoscope 作者
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When the weather report predicts a stormy day, and you walk out into a bright, beautiful sunny morning, it can feel like the universe has given you a gift.But the opposite is never true. If the weather person predicted a lovely sunny day and you walk out into stormy weather, it feels like bad luck. But sometimes, Leo, what seems like misfortune can actually work out in your favor, eventhough it may not seem like that right away. You may feel you have been dealtan unlucky break in some area of your life. But be open to learning more. It could actually turn out quite well for you.

當天氣預報說今天有暴風雨,而你遇上一個陽光明媚的早晨時,就會覺得老天給了你一份禮物。 但是情況反過來呢?像是如果天氣預報說今天是好日子,而你需要面對颱風天卻沒有停班停課的日子,就認為自己多麼不幸。
不過呢大獅們,有時看似不幸的事情實際上可能對你有利,儘管這些好處可能不會馬上出現。 您可能會覺得自己在生活的某些方面遇到了困境。 但要放開心胸去接納學習,這些困頓實際上對你可能很有幫助喔。


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yuanfan 04/11 21:30謝謝