[閒聊] 4/30 Daily Horoscope

看板Leo標題[閒聊] 4/30 Daily Horoscope作者
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The sheer amount of information that may be flooding your senses now is making a dilemma that much harder to deal with. Although you wanted the knowledge necessary to handle this, it may seem so complicated now that it is actually coming to you. But if you take some time to sift through it, retain what appearsto be useful, and organize it in a way that makes sense to you, you will haveeverything that you need. Take a pause for now, Leo, and do that. You can make sense of this.
現在可能有大量資訊充斥著你的感官,讓困境變得更難處理。 儘管你想要擁有處理此問題所需的知識,現在這些資訊可能看起來很複雜,是因為這些資訊一起出現。


所以,暫停一下,大獅們,再去做。 你懂得!


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※ 編輯: wwwbc ( 臺灣), 04/29/2022 18:55:42

wwwbc 04/30 12:09幹我還是不小心吸收很多資訊