[閒聊] 5/10 Daily Horoscope

看板Leo標題[閒聊] 5/10 Daily Horoscope 作者
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Your excitement over a once-thrilling possibility is beginning to wane. At first, Leo, you could not wait to get started. But it has taken so long to get this thing off the ground that it has lost some of its luster. It's kind of like waiting for too long for your meal in a fine restaurant. By the time the waiter arrives with your dish, you may have lost your appetite. Try to work up some excitement once again, because the universe is giving this venture the green light, and it holds just as much promise as it once did.
你可能開始對那些讓你很激動的事情感到疲乏。 起初你迫不及待地想要進行,但花了很長時間才讓這件事動起來,以至於對它失去興趣。 這有點像在一家高檔餐廳等了太久才吃到第一口菜。 等服務員端來你的菜,你可能已經沒胃口了。


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