[閒聊] 5/21 Daily Horoscope

看板Leo標題[閒聊] 5/21 Daily Horoscope 作者
時間推噓 4 推:4 噓:0 →:1

Something very good - something you have been hoping would manifest for you -is going to happen. The only issue is that it may not happen in the timeframeyou want, dear Leo. But that's okay. In fact, the timing might turn out to beeven better than you thought because you will be more prepared and more appreciative when it arrives. You need to be patient and understand that this is for the best. Accept this gift graciously, rather than lamenting its late arrival. You will maximize its impact by being grateful.
你一直期待的那些好事情將會發生,但它可能不會在你預期的時間點。 但沒關係的大獅們。 事實上,真正的時機可能會比你想像的還要好,因為當它到來時,你會更有準備,也會更加感激。


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moonmews 05/20 21:05謝謝~~接收好運~~~

halloweencat05/20 23:48推推 希望真的有好運快來~

puraurora 05/21 01:14一直因為疫情延遲我的計畫 唉希望真的是好時機 謝謝

qwer01289 05/21 03:19推推 好運(椅褒黰봩」

qwer01289 05/21 03:19><