[閒聊] 6/10 Daily Horoscope

看板Leo標題[閒聊] 6/10 Daily Horoscope 作者
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If you are looking for reassurance, comfort, and hope today, dear Leo, take agood look around you. If you are longing for some kind of a sign that you areimportant and protected by the universe, the evidence is there if you choose to see it. You may have sent many requests out recently asking for things you need to make your life better, and you may see signs that you are important, you are loved, and blessed. Take those signs seriously. It's not your imagination - it's the answer to your plea. Choose happiness, and happiness will chooseyou.
如果你今天正在尋找安慰、同溫層和希望,大獅們,好好看看你周圍。 如果你渴望某種能夠表明你很重要並受到宇宙保護的跡象,當你選擇去看,那麼跡象就會在那。


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