[情報] 11/30 Daily Horoscope

看板Leo標題[情報] 11/30 Daily Horoscope作者
時間推噓 4 推:4 噓:0 →:0

Someone may be barking orders at you for an endeavor that you are involved in. Since you are a natural-born leader yourself, Leo, it might be challenging for you to be led by someone else. However, if it's just the person's tone thatyou don't like but you agree with their level of knowledge or skill, then youshould probably try to overlook the irritating aspects in favor of the greater good. This could be a good exercise in patience and compromise for you.



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kirakaze 11/30 01:45最近完全是這樣吶

yuanfan 11/30 06:06謝謝

YTer 11/30 09:58謝謝你辛苦了!

kiehlss 11/30 10:05