[情報] 12/15 Daily Horoscope
In the classic musical "Singing in the Rain," Gene Kelly gives an iconic performance with one of the greatest dance numbers ever. He's filled with joy, singing "the sun's in my heart," and he shows it by, yes, singing and dancing in the rain. This has become a metaphor for enjoying and making the best of any situation. There is always joy to be found if you look for it - or if you create it. This is something you are very capable of, Leo. Today, you might need a reminder of this and perhaps a little push to do so. Even if you are having a rough day, dance through it and find joy in it. That will bring greater success and satisfaction.
在經典音樂劇《在雨中歌唱》中,Gene Kelly 最具代表性的舞蹈演出了史上最棒的表演之一。 他充滿喜悅的唱著《太陽在我心中》,是的,在大雨滂沱中唱著、跳著,不需任何言語,他便是如此享受著。 試著去尋找快樂的時候,快樂就會來到你身邊,如果感受不到,就試著去創造它。
獅子們,創造快樂是你們擅長的事,也許你需要一些些動力,但今天請提醒自己這一點。即使是辛苦的一天,試著跳舞並從中找到快樂,將為你們帶來更大的收穫和滿足 :)
謝謝 有勇氣撐過今天了
[情報] 11/25 Daily HoroscopeWhen you look for the good in all areas of your life, that's when the good com es to you. It may be much easier to do the opposite - to worry and fret over t hings that are not going your way. But there really is a kind of magic involve d in seeking out and believing that the best can be, and that there is always something happy beckoning you. Today, Leo, if you seek out the good, and you l4
[情報] 31/03/2021 Daily HoroscopeHappiness is your birthright, Cancer. You were not born to be miserable or to suffer. Unhappiness and emotional pain do not create your natural state. You are so self-aware and so noble in feeling the need to earn something as basic as happiness, that you often turn it down when it arrives in your life. A gift of joy is headed your way. It represents the way things are4
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/01/08你的汽車中可以有油,但它只有在你需要去某個地方時才有用。你現在擁有處置的權力, 阿牛,但你知道的。但如果你不控制這個有著巨大潛力的狀況,這個潛力與它潛在的利益 都將會失去。你得到的機會不會永遠等待著,如果它吸引了你,那就採取行動。掌控它吧 。如果你保持正確的態度且不浪費時間的話,這可能會改變你的生活。 願你健康,並且生活平靜且充實,也希望你的生活充滿快樂與喜悅。新年快樂!2
[情報] 11/21 the daily horoscopeSomething that you see or hear today, or perhaps someone you meet, could have the air of the familiar. Something about this is beckoning and welcoming to yo u, Gemini, and you need to get closer to it. If you have been hoping for a fee ling of comfort or belonging, this might be the thing that will lead you there . If we pay attention, life is filled with signs. And when you ask the univers1
[情報] 11/22 the daily horoscopeIf any of us could see the future laid out with certainty, life would not be n early as much fun. There would be no sense of anticipation and no reason to tr y for anything. You may be feeling antsy now because you cannot predict the ou tcome of an endeavor you are involved in or one that you are creating. Rather than fearing that something will go wrong and that you won't get what you want