Re: [情報] Notability在App Store 免費下載(改為訂閱制)

看板Lifeismoney標題Re: [情報] Notability在App Store 免費下載(改為訂閱制)作者
時間推噓42 推:45 噓:3 →:29


We heard you all and we want to make it right. We are making changes to our
subscription so that our existing users will have lifetime access to their
current features and content. See our blog for more details

If you are changing your existing app to a subscription-based business model,you should not take away the primary functionality existing users have
already paid for. For example, let customers who have already purchased a “
full game unlock” continue to access the full game after you introduce a
subscription model for new customers.

這種垃圾軟體有種就下架app store~~

According to the latest Notability update (version 11.0),
those who purchased the app before it was free will only have
access to the features they paid for in the next year,
after which they will be downgraded to the free version.
This is in violation of section 3.1.2(a) of the App Store guidelines,
which stipulates that an app that switches to a subscription model must
provide "full game" to customers who have already purchased a
"full game unlock".


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※ 編輯: dreamgirl ( 美國), 11/02/2021 06:33:41


Dishitney 11/02 06:37推 太扯了

simo520 11/02 06:47

blackjade 11/02 06:49扯……

m11212 11/02 06:52

dreamgirl:轉錄至看板 MobileComm

11/02 06:54

※ 編輯: dreamgirl ( 美國), 11/02/2021 07:01:27

cclemon995 11/02 07:27推 建議iOS 版也連署起來抗議!

verygreen 11/02 07:34謝謝已申訴

e223833755 11/02 07:40

mjsg 11/02 07:44App 我不大清楚,不過像自由軟體如果想要換

mjsg 11/02 07:44條款,那只要

mjsg 11/02 07:48改個版好就可以用新條款了(舊版條款是不能

mjsg 11/02 07:48變得)。只要確保買斷用戶在舊版的全部功能

mjsg 11/02 07:48,應該就沒有違反使用者條約。

InfocusM510 11/02 07:50已申訴

mjsg 11/02 07:50爭取看看也好,最好的結果大概是官方出兩個

mjsg 11/02 07:50版本,一個是買斷用戶用不再更新功能但有安

mjsg 11/02 07:50全性更新和確保能用的版本,另一個是新版吧

mjsg 11/02 07:50

sa228652 11/02 07:55已申訴

Rainbow1014 11/02 07:56已申訴

dreamgirl 11/02 08:03N的新版本一年後就不能備份到icloud

dreamgirl 11/02 08:03這個差很多吧,不能備份我用紙本就好了

fissive 11/02 08:30已申訴 一早起來看到強迫變訂閱

peng2ma 11/02 08:41已申訴

flashseal 11/02 08:47蘋果這樣搞很久了 很多都這樣 下架上新

jilluck 11/02 08:50推 不允許詐欺

dreamgirl 11/02 08:59下架上新買舊版的還是能下載,跟這不一

dreamgirl 11/02 08:59

dreamgirl 11/02 09:00而且上新代表人氣要從0重新累績

jlincredible 11/02 09:01乾真的垃圾 介面已經輸GoodNotes

jlincredible 11/02 09:01結果還要搞這齣…

jlincredible 11/02 09:02等等投訴

mjsg 11/02 09:09真的要上新的當然是上給舊買斷用戶的啊,傻

mjsg 11/02 09:10子才會把現在訂閱制的改回去再上一個新訂閱

mjsg 11/02 09:10app

ljr1998 11/02 09:12已申訴

kluele585 11/02 09:23幹真的機掰

GTMENG 11/02 09:35

yao03911 11/02 09:44現在是舊版買斷用戶也強迫變成訂閱制?

a48194810 11/02 09:48已跳槽goodnote

xru03 11/02 10:00

a894392000 11/02 10:02太扯了 把花錢的當白癡

trajan 11/02 10:06已申訴謝謝

a523928 11/02 10:16以為筆記軟體現在是他一家獨大嗎 GoodNo

a523928 11/02 10:16tes應該很感謝notability助攻吧

angelly 11/02 10:18已申訴 另外推薦collanote也很好用 不如

angelly 11/02 10:18goodnotes 但可以取代Notablity 還免費

W55621 11/02 10:22推,已申訴!

tomatowww 11/02 10:22

ChouBoJen 11/02 10:24覺得英文很麻煩的各位就…推特留言自行

ChouBoJen 11/02 10:24取用

ChouBoJen 11/02 10:24

ChouBoJen 11/02 10:24455205390359175172?s=21

hollen9 11/02 10:45Notibility 我記得蘋果公司內部也在用

hollen9 11/02 10:45可能仗這點不怕吧

mm373733 11/02 10:48扯爆 當大家盤子

arthur0919 11/02 11:00已檢舉 感謝

mazkoi 11/02 11:03已檢舉 真的太扯了吧

coldwindling 11/02 11:22GoodNotes安心用

VISprout 11/02 11:57感謝原PO提供懶人包,官方此舉真是北...

charmingpink 11/02 12:25已申訴

Antihsieh 11/02 12:51WOW @@

funghi404 11/02 12:58已申訴,謝謝整理

horseorange 11/02 13:12done

zoro4507 11/02 13:19已檢舉

jm6bj3 11/02 13:45已申訴

tony40290 11/02 14:18感謝 已檢舉

johnmayer1 11/02 14:43

df30650119 11/02 14:58推 我甚至在這款已經花了上千元…

MintGreeeen 11/02 15:28Push

Go2 11/02 15:36PUSH

jerrygoddds 11/02 15:44推 已檢舉

allen0311 11/02 16:05

agoodsort 11/02 16:10已檢舉777

sporplo0221 11/02 17:08超沒水準

lumwhola 11/02 19:28已檢舉 謝謝

climax1309 11/02 22:42可惜了...

harus 11/03 08:59Goodnote千萬不要學壞,沒用N路過

※ 編輯: dreamgirl ( 美國), 11/03/2021 10:20:04