Re: [閒聊] LEC最低年齡調至18(更新:LEC發錯,依舊17)
Hey everyone,
Zilean published an old version of this article unfortunately.
The age requirement for the 2023 Season will remain at 17.
We are looking to get the article updated.
Sorry for the mishap!
We have been evaluating the option to raise the age requirement as we had no
underage players recently, it unlocks potential future sponsorships and we
strongly believe in our ERLs & EM as the foundation of our ecosystem, but
have decided against it for the time being.
現在比賽常見問題集 裡面年齡限制那段也去除了
※ 引述《cececcc (DK粉底堆? D+ D+)》之銘言:
: 剛剛LEC發了比賽常見問題集 ,其中
: LEC age limit change
: We’re also going to be implementing a new rule for 2023 onwards for the LEC.: The minimum age requirement for any player participating in the LEC will now: be raised from 17 to 18, in order to help unlock new sponsorship
: opportunities for teams. Teams will still be able to sign 17-year-old
: players, but they will not be able to start them in LEC matches until they
: turn 18.
: 2023LEC實施一項新規定,為了幫助隊伍解鎖新的贊助機會
: LEC參賽選手最低年齡限制從17歲調為18歲
: 隊伍仍可以簽17歲的選手,但要18歲才能在LEC上場
舊版本?可是從來沒限過18欸 哪來舊版
他說有考慮過改年齡限制 但最後沒改
是文章的舊版本 我加一下
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