[閒聊] SK Gaming 推特 Nisqy 離隊
Today, we’re saying goodbye to @Nisqy, as we’ve mutually agreed to part ways.We want to thank him for all the great moments throughout this year and the
commitment he’s shown. We wish him all the best in what’s next, and here’s
to hopefully meeting on the Rift again soon!
SK 官宣中路 Nisqy 離隊
先前的乳摸好像完全沒提到 SK 會換中路 有點意外
我看 EU 各隊名單都大致確定了 難道他會去 NA 嗎
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對齁 還是我自己發的文 我給忘了
※ 編輯: y12544 ( 臺灣), 10/30/2024 00:09:36
FNC的中路不是還沒確定 還是這邊夢迴....
和Jankos一起去鏟薯條了吧 沒退役但是沒有隊要
Nisqy第一次打一級聯賽就是在NA 也待過C9 不無可能
爛貨 快滾
[外絮] DRX X(Croco/FATE/deokdam/BeryL離隊)來源: DRX part ways with Kim ‘Croco’ Dong-bum, Yu ‘FATE’ Su-hyeok, Seo ‘deokdam ’ Dae-gil. DRX sincerely appreciate their contribution and hard work they’ve shown in37
[外絮] T1 X(Forest/Nice/Baut離隊)來源: Today, we part ways with 'Forest'. We truly appreciate his contribution to the team and wish him the best of luck in the future.35
[外絮] FNC 推特A new French king on top. Adam represents the start of a new era for Fnatic, as we look to write the story of our next ten years on the rift. Welcome to the Black & Orange, @Ricadam_lol!26
[外絮] Nisqy 推特賽前: I can feel the win today. 2 hours till we play 我可以感覺到今天會贏,兩個小時後看我們的。24
[外絮] T1 推特[Official] Today we part ways with Kim "Gori" Tae-woo. We thank him for his commitment so far and wish him all the best. T1官宣跟替補中路Gori說掰掰,另外GCD資料庫好像又簽了一個17歲的中路Closer。 但這個好像還沒官宣。19
[外絮] Evil Geniuses 推特 Bang、Kumo離隊Today we are parting ways with @Bang, @Goldenglue, and @KumoLoL. Thank you for being part of our Evil family—we wish you all the best. See you on the Rift! Evil Geniuses宣布上路Kumo、射手Bang、替補中路Goldenglue離隊11
[外絮] 100T 推特 Damonte離隊In the past weeks, we discussed various options with @Damonte to be part of our League of Legends program and we've mutually decided to part ways for him to pursue his own content creation path. Tanner, good luck in the future. We wish you all the best!11
[閒聊] MAD中路Nisqy推特MAD的中路Nisqy的推特寫說 我希望我們抽到T1這樣我可以趕快回家 不知道是認真的還是在搞笑 XD --10
[外絮] SK Gaming X(2024冬季賽名單)Our 2024 #LEC Roster: @Irrelevanttop @ismaa_lol @Nisqy6
[閒聊] Nisqy 加入 MAD LionsTotally unexpected right?? Today we welcome @Nisqy as our new midlaner in the #LEC Team!!
[閒聊] 鍾培生 threads 第二回 直指裁判不公爆
Re: [閒聊] PO11為啥答應臨時改規則?71
Re: [閒聊] PO11為啥答應臨時改規則?63
Re: [閒聊] PO11為啥答應臨時改規則?48
Re: [新聞] 統神:很多人打我頭!2黑衣人送辦 警已80
[閒聊] 不是啊 自己決定拳套重量本來就很怪吧44
[閒聊] po11最初跟雙方協調的規則是什麼?7X
[閒聊] 前世界冠軍上路對昨天拳上的看法27
[閒聊] 有賽前就講好要有優勢的嗎?25
[閒聊] 雷珂煞出火箭腰帶有搞頭嗎?48
[閒聊] PO11這波是不是贏了裡子輸了面子46
[閒聊] 非職業跟FAKER單挑 讓多少才公平18
[閒聊] 結果統神精彩的進場都被蓋過了..18
Re: [閒聊] 鍾培生 threads 第二回 直指裁判不公16
Re: [閒聊] PO11為啥答應臨時改規則?55
[閒聊] 鍾培生 threads19
[問題] 鍇睿的公關是不是也在放假阿?66
[閒聊] 這真的是統神嗎...15
[閒聊] 蹦闆是統神最大的恩人吧18
Re: [閒聊] PO11為啥答應臨時改規則?6
Re: [閒聊] 鍾培生 threads 第二回 直指裁判不公5
[閒聊] LPL這下知道全華班怎麼奪冠了吧4
[閒聊] 統神還是太單純了吧2X
Re: [閒聊] 有賽前就講好要有優勢的嗎?爆
Re: [閒聊] PO11為啥答應臨時改規則?X
Re: [閒聊] Knight: 明年我想把世界賽冠軍留在中國9
[閒聊] 如果是地獄死亡特訓的話就不會突然被改吧2
[閒聊] 選手技術跟體力哪個要比較好?