[閒聊] 比賽要領先多少才敢大聲說I win?
大家好,最近看比賽的時候常常會去回味以前各種比賽的逆轉秀,同時也是因為比賽不到最後一刻都還有可能被翻盤,所以常常選手都會不敢去輕易的發出勝利宣言,那麼到底在領先多少的情況下大聲說出I win會比較穩呢?
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西洽版可能快沒了 別逼==
C版要亡 唉
以後安妮會不會被auto ban
[情報] 太陽領先了47分鐘58秒 最後被逆轉The Suns led the Spurs for 47 minutes, 58.8 seconds. But this is the definition of stealing the win: 太陽隊在比賽中領先了馬刺隊47分鐘58.8秒。但這正是「偷走比賽勝利」的定義: 來源:(內有影片)爆
[情報] 阿肥:重點是贏球,我不一定非要得分Nikola Jokic: "the most important thing is to win a game, and I'm trying to win a game any possible way. I don't need to shoot, I know I don't need to score to affect the game, and I think I did a good job today... Everyone who plays contributes, and it's a great win for us."爆
[花邊] 龜龜談打替補:做任何對球隊最好的事Russell Westbrook on his move to the bench: “Just going out and doing whatever is best for our team to be able to win gam es, and that’s it… The ultimate goal is to win games. That’s all I can do. Go out and compete and make sure we try to win games.”爆
[花邊] AD:勇士曾3-1領先被翻盤 也曾1-3落後逆轉AD:勇士曾3-1領先被翻盤,也曾1-3落後逆轉取勝 “It was an unreal game. I love it.” @AntDavis23 enjoyed competing against the defending champs in tonight's big win.爆
[花邊] 老河:我們還沒贏,哈登是個魔術師After the win, the @sixers, from top to bottom, all walked off the floor looking extremely serious. Businesslike. “We haven’t done anything yet.” -Doc Rivers 在獲勝之後,從上到下, 費城七六人的所有球員看起來都非常嚴肅。爆
[花邊] Rondo在AD絕殺後的超冷靜反應來源: YardBarker 網址: Rajon Rondo had great reaction to Anthony Davis’ winning shot Rajon Rondo對於Anthony Davis的絕殺球有著有趣的反應 Rajon Rondo got the assist on the biggest shot of Game 2 on Sunday night, and45
[外絮] 杰倫談關鍵罰球:沒時間找藉口,我們必須杰倫談關鍵罰球:沒有時間找藉口,我們必須想辦法贏得今晚比賽 Jaylen Brown got some crucial redemption in the Boston Celtics’ overtime win ov er the Los Angeles Lakers. He came through with a huge free throw in the fourth quarter to tie the game and then two more near the end of overtime to pad the Ce ltics’ lead. His heroics played a huge part in the victory and allowed him to e19
[討論] 明年富邦是高卒派還是win now派?明年富邦比賽是高卒派還是win now派? 高卒派就是像今年季末大量練新人, 畢竟一軍PA很珍貴,必須給戴、申 新秀練兵,體質反正都爛,那就 全給新秀上。14
[閒聊] 以後領先17分可以下戰術嗎今天看到富邦18:1就轉台了 想說穩了 結果聽到朋友傳訊息跟我說 統一追到8分差了 結果轉過去剛好看到陳重廷3分砲X
[閒聊] 史上最精彩逆轉是哪一場比賽???如題 LOL經典的比賽那麼多場 但是我覺得最好看的還是那種 對方一路領先 看起來穩贏了 結果在最後關頭被翻盤的大逆轉秀
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[閒聊] 宙斯只是想打積分而已吧61
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[閒聊] 宙斯給了我們什麼啟示