[閒聊] Zven X (twitter) 離隊
After four years, four trophies and lots of good times, my time at Cloud9 has co
I am now a free agent looking for a team for 2024.
Although I had fun and enjoyed the Support role, I want to make it clear that I'm looking for opportunities as an ADC, not Support
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※ 編輯: dacrazy777 ( 臺灣), 11/03/2023 03:05:40
※ 編輯: dacrazy777 ( 臺灣), 11/03/2023 03:11:08
[閒聊] TL 推特 Bjergsen 離隊We'd like to thank @Bjergsen for everything this past year. We had so many memories and fun experiences, now we're looking forward to see you continue on with your legacy. TL 發布推特,宣布中路 Bjergsen 離隊的消息33
[閒聊] 乳摸:C9 Summit Fudge轉中路Top: Summit Jng: Blaber Mid: Fudge ADC: Zven32
[外絮] KDF推特(Kiin離隊、Taeyoon/YoungJae加入)來源: We officially announce the contract with Kim ‘Kiin’ Ki-In has ended. Kiin played an active role as the team’s franchise star and made the team’s long history together-advancing to the LoL World Championship, Rift Rivals,28
[外絮] C9推特Today we part ways with Summit, Winsome, and Isles. With this, the three become free agents. It's been a wild split full of ups and downs, and you were all with us every step of the way. Thank you for our time together and best of luck! 基本上就是Summit, Winsome, and Isles這3位 離開C9,也感謝他們在今年的春季賽為C9的付出 看樣子可能會像乳摸一樣,這3人離隊fudge轉上25
Re: [閒聊] G2全員RANK帳號改名(Keria回應)今天T1確定晉級MSI後,賽後有記者訪問Keria的反應 以下為英翻中(原採訪是韓文) 問:G2的選手們最近換了跟T1有關的ID,你有什麼想法? Keria:最近我跟G2的Mikyx交流滿多的,期待這次在MSI見到他。我覺得他玩得不錯, 我認為他是能代表LEC的輔助,LPL的則是Meiko,我想要在MSI與他們交手。至於LCS的C924
[閒聊] Reddit 熱議:Berserker 護照跟簽證不見LS 在實況上提到 C9 Berserker 的護照和簽證在幾天前不見了,所以他要重新辦護照跟 申請簽證,整個程序大概要花 4~5 個禮拜,所以他可能要到第四週才能上場 Reddit 留言:13
[閒聊] Astralis 推特 Zanzarah 離隊1,5 years 3 splits Endless Trundle and Skarner bans Countless laughs4
[閒聊] C9開季無法全員到齊簽證有問題的有 上路 Summit AD Berserker Support Winsome LS5
[外絮] KDF Twitter(Ellim、FATE、Hoit、Teddy離隊)來源:2
[CSGO] misutaaa離開小蜜蜂Over two years in the hive, two years of incredible moments, trophies and memories. We are very proud of the legend you have become, you will always be engraved in the history of Vitality. Thank you @misutaaaCSGO and good luck in your next adventure