Re: [外絮] Let's go FAKER / T1 HQ Tour
※ 引述《RBaldelli (Rocco)》之銘言:
: 5. Huni說Faker可以看到別人看不到的。團戰照Faker說的打就贏了。
(約 06:45 左右開始)
Jatt: Did he do anything there that was just different?
Than any other midlaner.
Huni: Yeah, easily.
I mean, I've said multiple times that what he brings
to the team is that Faker sees something that we don't
我講過很多次, 他帶給隊伍的是他常常會看見我們所沒看到的.
Like there was a lot of times, we won after a temfight...
what we need to do, everything comes down from Faker what
we need to do.
Oh, let's push mid tower and go back to Baron.
常常我們贏了會戰, Faker會告訴我們接著該做什麼.
"喔, 我們推中塔然後轉巴龍."
(這段的字幕我覺得跟我聽起來的略有出入, 但總之意思應該
I still remember there is one clip that...
we hard won. We stomped the enemy team in a teamfight.
And four people went to the Baron, but only one Faker go
to the mid tower and push the tower.
But Faker saw the angle that we can actually take two
towers, three towers, and go back to the Baron and we
could still get it.
我還記得有支剪輯: 我們贏了會戰, 然後四個人跑去吃巴龍,
他看到我們其實可以先推掉兩座, 甚至三座塔, 然後還是可以
So like... He knows how to maximize all the fights and
minimalize the losses.
So that's why I think he is the best.
腦內計算模擬能力太強 會算大招CD 也能預測戰場走向
操作的神:李相赫 ,觀念的神:Faker
現在我覺得操作的神可能不是faker了 但心臟大的是
[閒聊] 少了faker看到有人說T1現在就是一個老人拖累四個年輕人 要faker退一退給年輕人機會 這句話應該是T1粉心疼T1小將給出來的忠告吧 那不如就假設一下 少了Faker的T1是怎樣吧爆
[閒聊] 乳摸:Faker 在尋求多個賽區的選項來自 BLIX.GG 記者 anonimotum 的乳摸 根據消息,T1 中路選手 Faker 正在尋求來自多個賽區的選項,他的合約將在 11/21 到期 ,而 Faker 的選項之一正是 NA 賽區。 每年的休賽季,都有 Faker 和一或多支 NA 隊伍洽談的乳摸,2021 年他身為自由選手時,80
[問題] DRX 第三場被逆轉 戰犯是誰???DRX第三場野區抓死FAKER轉巴龍 AD又是克黎思妲 巴龍怎麼輸 結果DRX 就輸了 穩拿被逆轉 後來Faker 又去送頭 DRX又去轉巴龍 結果穩拿的又輸了90
[情報] Faker真的認真考慮過加盟TLAccording to sources close to the LoL leagues globally, Faker reportedly receive d considerable interest from the following teams: LNG Esports, Weibo Gaming, T1 , Team Liquid and FlyQuest. 根據情報指出,Faker在這個休賽季55
[閒聊] LoL Esports 推特 每隊出一人組隊Build your #MSI2022 superteam by using only 1 player per team! TOP: JGL: MID:54
Re: [外絮] Faker TowerFaker Tower google map 2018 4月街景 改名前街景 (37.5422131, 126.8423478) 似乎有9層樓高並有空橋連接到隔壁大樓27
Re: [問題] 為什麼沒隊伍把Faker挖去中國?上次續約期有兩支LPL(LNG、WBG)報價 然後兩支LCS(FLY、TL) 其中FLY年薪開$3M-$5M、TL開更高 最後T1給的合約總額和TL差不多 然後在LPL實施工資帽前X
[外絮] faker tower剛剛看到faker在韓國弄了一棟faker tower收租 我我就在想當初肥可 lck開場影片 一個帥氣坐著勞斯萊斯登場