[情報] 拳頭將在歐洲賽區設立仲裁庭

看板LoL標題[情報] 拳頭將在歐洲賽區設立仲裁庭作者
時間推噓19 推:20 噓:1 →:11

Riot Games is aiming to make significant improvements to its ecosystem by launching a new court of arbitration in partnership with the German law firm Martens,known for its involvement in European traditional sports and its role behind the Basketball Arbitral Tribunal.



Though not compulsory, Riot Games has already been working behind the scenes toset things in motion this off-season, encouraging teams to include arbitration clauses in their newly negotiated contracts.



While the program’s impact may not be immediate, Riot Games hopes to address arange of issues through it, including unpaid salaries, wrongful terminations, transfer disputes, missing bonuses & prize money, and other similar concerns.



This new Dispute Resolution program is set to impact both the LEC and VCT, as well as the EMEA region’s Tier 2 circuit, but it will not extend beyond the 1st Divisions of Regional Leagues.

If successful, Riot Games will explore options to expand the program globally.



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whangkiahao 11/07 21:33預防北美罷工再發生嗎

amsmsk 11/07 21:34創立一堆沒用的不如給錢

whangkiahao 11/07 21:34薪資結構全都不公開 仲裁公信力怎麼建立

anjuchika 11/07 21:35緊張摟

rainnawind 11/07 21:36...拳頭本身的信用有條件支持這個仲裁嗎

howdo1793 11/07 21:38Riot總部應該也要直接設一個

raidcrash 11/07 21:46LEC近年有什麼合約糾紛嗎 好像LCK跟LPL比較常聽到XD

rainnawind 11/07 21:48不就G2小王子事件

cornsoup 11/07 21:48LPL有LPL的玩法 不怕

chou3321 11/07 21:49有合約糾紛上法院不就好了 幹嘛自己搞這東西

kuo95 11/07 21:51全球 呵呵,有個地方完全管不到吧

saviora 11/07 21:51就想自己私下解決

kuo95 11/07 21:51合約糾紛上法院是要搞多久,這個就是要對違規的俱

kuo95 11/07 21:52樂部處罰吧

Nuey 11/07 21:54G2卡人事件啊 還把人卡到NA去

saviora 11/07 21:55不過歐洲賽區值得試試看

saviora 11/07 21:56畢竟這麼多國家 打起法律戰真的是太累了

saviora 11/07 21:57但拳頭要夠力可以讓這些隊伍和選手服氣

c871111116 11/07 21:58笑死 EU都被搞爛了才想到要搞這個

kqP5641 11/07 22:01上法院你要不要看史考特搞多久了 對岸司法效率還已

f40075566 11/07 22:01請問可以仲裁支那的薪資嗎

kqP5641 11/07 22:01經算快的了 仲裁的優點就是超級快

crowley 11/07 22:15都要倒了才要搞==

s91026 11/07 22:21PCS勒?WP FAK

ThreekRoger 11/07 22:31他不就寫成功會擴展到其他地區

JohnSick 11/07 22:32公會的角度...然後把你裁判案例放在歐洲...

wang7752 11/07 22:33仲裁很好啊 但是太晚了說

JohnSick 11/07 22:34真的太晚...不過如果有真的做,都好事,

zephyr3725 11/07 23:52RNG 合約滴神 接受挑戰

Sovat 11/08 00:09可以仲裁一下為什麼DCG沒進嗎?

spanlaryo 11/08 19:43仲裁的重點是強制力 看要不要取消國際賽資格 重點

spanlaryo 11/08 19:43還是在能不能硬起來 我猜不行