[情報] 聯盟戰棋 14.5戰利品系統修改
Coming in 14.5 - Loot Distribution System Overhaul
Back when we first introduced the loot orbs all the way in Set 1, the item and gold drops served the primary purpose of offering variance into the game.
Some games you would have a gold opener, other games you might be down some
components but get a spatula, and it was up to your skill to show how you used those differing resources each game to try to win. It served its purpose forthe time, and was met with success.
But as time went on, our understanding of TFT has changed a lot, as well as
tons of new systems and features that add variance to the game. Players have
learned that gold early is a lot more powerful, and how to use that to get
advantages. At the highest level, the slightest difference, or sometimes
larger ones (tome drop from gold orb) can be the deciding factor. So we agreeit's time to move past that and focus on a more fair loot system.
So the first major change her is that at every PVE stage, all players will get the same quality and quantity of orbs. This means if you get a gold orb and
two blue orbs, everyone else in the lobby also got a gold orb and two blue
orbs. There should never be a moment where you feel like the game cheated youor you're just at a massive disadvantage due to bad luck. We think this should help the game quite a bit.
However, this isn't to say all variance is gone. If every game was a 3 item 6g opener into 2 items and 10g into 4 items, etc...the game would get pretty
stale fast. The loot system does still need SOME game to game variance to make each experience unique and increase the combinatoric possibility of outcomes. So variant drops on each round are back, and you never know what you will get each round. This means gold openers for example, are back. But again, if youget a gold opener, everyone got one. But no two games should feel the same
Finally, we also think that a Tome and 10g from a gold orb aren't the same, so we rebalanced every orb to be more fair, and based on when they appear. For
example, the contents of a Gold Orb on Stage 2 is going to be different than
what's in them on Stage 4. And finally, we are introducing a new Prismatic Orb, which includes some pretty high roll drops including the Masterwork Upgrade. (Turns an item into a radiant item). This in conjunction with augments and
portals should make the game to game experience pretty exciting. A bedge
silver augment game can still get woken up by a Prismatic Orb drop!
We're excited to keep improving TFT and it's core systems, and think this is
another step to continuing on that path. We'll be using the next month to fine tune the system as well as we head into the next set, so it seems like the
perfect time to try it out on PBE or Live and let us know what you think. I'll also post the current drops for each orb in the post below, so take a look. I'll also be streaming 14.5 PBE this weekend, so you can try it out with me!
We're also talking about this now because there's so much coming with the newset soon! Can't wait to talk about it. Until then, have a great weekend, goodluck TFT competitors, and take it easy :)
好啊,我現在才發現這是2/23的東西 笑死
轉職假人好玩啊 比賽觀賞性也很夠
你 嘻嘻
感覺戰利品系統要改看過100遍 這次是確定了吧
他說PBE可能還會微調 所以... :)
調整方向上中肯到滿滿聖光 這真的是戰棋設計師嗎
轉職假人就制裁公式仔 多那個徽章能讓一些東西變超
強 但前提是你要知道那東西強
我每次排到菁英都一定選假人 反正完本就要老八了不
其實我也不喜歡打假人啦 但是那是因為太可怕了 笑死
戰利品掉落不一樣真的很靠北 流浪假人超好玩
只有我覺得比起假人 全彩更糞嗎
玩牌就是在賭 當然要再開個假人
全彩起碼你每次是6選1 有玩家決策的空間
假人直接開給你 有什麼好比的
我自己不喜歡玩假人 可是只要有選到必定前4 拿鐵有
說過 最好的玩法有時候就是無視他
有人是不是沒載遊戲 電子哪來的徽章給你
唬爛不打草稿耶 電子徽章假人
[閒聊]D4打寶太無聊?後期都在刷「好詞綴遠古稀《暗黑破壞神4》打寶太無聊?後期都在刷「好詞綴遠古稀有」 網議:撿寶完全沒興奮感 《暗黑破壞神4》已經發售有一段時間了,許多玩家都已經達到 100 等滿級並且開刷。然 而,滿級後的遊戲獎勵卻讓許多玩家擔憂,許多玩家都表示,《暗黑破壞神4》滿等後的 裝備/戰利品系統機制是一個令人失望的遊戲體驗,缺乏發現那些酷炫獎勵的興奮感,並91
[閒聊] BZ 表示團本掉落改善方案將在 2/16 上線Blizzard just announced raid loot improvements going live February 16th! -Bosses now drop 33% more loot than before, in all difficulties. -Weapons tokens now drop more often than before, in all difficulties. - 所有頭目現在將調升33%的更多裝備掉落,所有難度適用。41
[巴西] 擬全面禁止戰利品箱販售,最高開罰70萬巴西擬全面禁止遊戲「戰利品箱」販售,最高可能開罰超過70萬美金 遊戲中的「戰利品箱」(Loot box)所引發的爭議與後續效應目前仍然還持續爭論中。不 只歐美率先發難,現在巴西也要成為另一個打算大規模限制的國家。不僅正在研擬禁止境 內包含這項機制的遊戲,同時還會針對違規遊戲廠商開罰。20
[戰棋] 一些傳送門數據分享來源 Mort推特 最受歡迎的區域傳送門 前5名: 【NG場】 河蟹水坑: 69.5%15
[閒聊]轉蛋遊戲慘了!荷蘭擬禁止戰利品箱認定是轉蛋遊戲慘了!荷蘭擬禁止戰利品箱 認定是賭博:會上癮還會破壞家庭 ▲ 荷蘭打算全面禁止遊戲戰利品箱。(圖/翻攝自 Tom's Guide) 記者樓菀玲/綜合報導4
[暴雪] 暗黑4:新功能將上線,戰利品過濾器《暗黑破壞神4》新功能將上線,戰利品過濾器制作中 《暗黑破壞神4》玩家期待已久的戰利品過濾器功能終於有望實現,近日總經理Rod Fergusson確認該功能正在制作中,此外還有其他更新內容值得期待。 《暗黑破壞神4》新賽季添加了更多怪物和戰利品,讓玩家檢索和整理裝備變得更困難,10
[情報] PBE 個人資料、收藏 改動 圖示化如題,PBE將個人資料、收藏都圖示化了 並且將這兩個項目移動到右邊,跟戰利品圖示放在一起。 說真的,我覺得沒有目前的文字版本直觀啦 而且根本沒有省到空間的感覺,還不如用目前的文字版7
[戰棋] 聯盟戰棋即將加入觀戰系統Spectator is coming to TFT! It will debut on PBE on Dec 6th, allowing you to spectate TFT games of friends on the PC client. We expect the feature to go to live with patch 14.1. TFT community competitions, your time to shine is almost here!7
Re: [分享] 近日戰利品分享平常一直有在聽的Eva Cassidy 跟 Coldplay今天一個出25周年紀念一個出新專輯 只好都買了(? 記得以前去口口口+ 都會放What a wonderful world毒人 那這次就放這個跟Fields of Gold吧 tinyurl.com/3j3hmj995
[閒聊]英國對未成年玩家制定11條「戰利品箱」新英國對未成年玩家制定11條「戰利品箱」新原則,導技術控制課金要家長同意 隨著消費者意識的抬頭,對於包含遊戲內課金玩法遊戲的公平性越來越重視,為了保護未 成年玩家的安全,英國互動娛樂協會(Ukie)提出了 11 項針對戰利品箱(loot box)的 新原則。這些原則強調會為玩家提供更安全、負責任的遊戲體驗的重要性,同時英國政府