[外絮] Esports Awards 2020 英雄聯盟相關獎項

看板LoL標題[外絮] Esports Awards 2020 英雄聯盟相關獎項作者
時間推噓12 推:12 噓:0 →:10

今年的Esports Awards頒獎典禮就在剛剛結束了



Esports Game of the Year

League of Legends

Esports Publisher of the Year

Riot Games

Esports Organisation of the Year

G2 Esports

Esports Personality of the Year

Carlos "ocelote" Rodríguez Santiago

Esports Content Team of the Year


Esports Creative piece of the Year

Warriors Cinematic

Esports Caster of the Year (Play by Play)

Clayton "Captain Flowers" Raines

Esports Host of the Year

Eefje "Sjokz" Depoortere

Esports PC Rookie of the Year

Ryu "Keria" Min-seok


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wade59420 11/22 10:03恭喜Keria!

emptie 11/22 10:49sjokz!

deltz 11/22 10:52\EU/\EU/\EU/\EU/

fuyuo7963 11/22 11:08EU今年明明只是第三賽區...

philip81501 11/22 11:21這就是話語霸權

ruwjo12 11/22 11:40Captain Flower 真的實至名歸

deltz 11/22 11:45投票+其他項目的吧(?)

laiteweir 11/22 12:12是用投票的嗎?不然這獎EU/G2幾乎全包欸

lunar 11/22 12:22有評審團啊 就結果來看也蠻客觀的吧

hchen18 11/22 12:43今年lec轉播品質超高 得獎不意外

diefish5566 11/22 12:50LCK轉播品質被當年OGN屌打 LPL轉播品質一直很爛

tomlee1130 11/22 12:55Warriors MV真的很燃

Sabaurila 11/22 13:04自慰獎項 笑死

lucifiel161811/22 14:15LEC要專業有專業要rap有rap

lucifiel161811/22 14:17小老婆Laura訪問功力能精進點不要再問些黑人問號的

lucifiel161811/22 14:17問題,然後Forsk不要再口胡就完美惹= =

lucifiel161811/22 14:17*Frosk

lucifiel161811/22 14:24還有他們的美術設計也是讓人看得很火。那個扁平化設

lucifiel161811/22 14:24計搞過頭了,找資訊照半天找不到。看個開始時間的倒

lucifiel161811/22 14:24數還要歪著頭看。

lucifiel161811/22 14:25為了美觀犧牲實用性簡直本末倒置的經典教材

sean44555 11/22 19:08G2又不是只經營LOL 還有其他遊戲也有戰隊啊