[外絮] LOL Esport 推特 EG偷巴龍
DANNY WHAT WAS THAT #LCS https://t.co/1hncQsqBal
幹我看了也覺得WHAT WAS THAT,為什麼山東人可以重不到啊到底,早起看比賽就看到了這東西。
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嚴格來說 對面沒重擊 Jinx暴擊才267 是可以再扣一下
但真的是滿雖小的= =
EG Baron
有錢的白痴綜藝賽區 這劇本無敵的吧
突然升級挺有趣 lol
那個血量重擊沒問題啊 誰知道剛好升級
[情報] 鬍子:沒有如果鬍子:沒有如果 Let’s talk Brooklyn for a second, how would you sum up your short stint in Broo klyn? Uh, it was a lot of ups and downs. I appreciate the Nets and the city for what t hey’ve done for me in that year and a half. This is a business and for me, I th爆
[情報] AD:整場比賽我的腳都很痛Anthony Davis said his foot was sore throughout the game and he isn't sure what his status will be for the final 3 games of the season. Anthony Davis說他的腳在整場比賽中都很痛,他不確定他在本賽季最後三場比賽 的狀態如何。爆
[花邊] KI:今晚我們表現不佳,我負責Kyrie Irving says, “We just weren’t at our standard tonight — I take full accountability.” KI賽後說到他的主場首秀:今晚我們表現不佳,沒發揮出應有的水準,我負全責。 Kyrie Irving said he didn't really sleep last night. Nets landed around 3 am a爆
[外絮] Lue:人們覺得沒有LBJ我做不到,想證明Lue:人們覺得沒有LBJ我做不到,想證明自己有能力執教 Despite winning a championship and helping guide the Cavs to the greatest comeba ck in NBA Finals history by erasing a 3-1 deficit to beat Golden State in 2016, Lue doesn't get a lot of credit for the title that many instead will remember as James willing a championship to Cleveland.爆
[問卦] 現在力宏做什麼大家才會原諒他?這個周末太精采了 離婚的劇情一波三折 現在幾乎與論都支持女方 男方反而在提油桶救火 那麼力宏如果做了什麼83
[外絮] 龜龜談教練團如何解決問題:他們做了認龜龜談教練團如何解決問題:他們做了認為對球隊最有利的事,我話就說到這 Russell Westbrook is a player that has been under the spotlight all season, and a fair amount of the attention towards him was negative. The Los Angeles Lakers have struggled this season, and part of their struggles have been due to the fit between Russell Westbrook and the duo of Anthony Davis and LeBron James.59
Re: [花邊] D.Cousins談國王:他們為我做了什麼?原文恕刪 找了這篇原文 我們來看一下裡面說了甚麼 In an interview with Marc Spears of Andscape, Cousins was asked about the one thing he’d change in his career if he could go back and do it differently.45
[問卦] 汪小菲見到具俊曄會說什麼?那個啊 等到疫情趨緩 出入境不用隔離以後 汪小菲應該還是會來看看小孩吧 到時候聽到小孩可能叫別人爸爸 應該要說什麼?14
[閒聊] 艾涅爾看到這話真的驚呆了~~如題 艾涅爾表示 WHAT WAS THAT! 魯夫表示:不過拿個閃電而已很正常啊~12
[問卦] 地震時只能帶一樣東西 要帶什麼?天有不測風雲 人有旦夕禍福 如果不幸發生地震 只能來得及帶一樣東西出去 你會帶什麼東西?