[閒聊] Carzzy 推特
I'm still contracted to @TeamVitality, but they have allowed me to explore myoptions for 2023.
我和 Vitality 的合約還沒到期,但他們已經允許我尋找 2023 年的選項。
宇宙戰隊 -1
不知道 VIT 的下路會補誰 Rekkles?
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準備用bo 當核心了
哭啊那我不想要臭臭bee了= =
VIY Hans sama
拜託不要 不想看韓總跟假賽仔當隊友= =
※ 編輯: y12544 ( 臺灣), 10/04/2022 02:13:05推
psg 車z
今年車z真的爛 輔助也走了 我記得
是滿喜歡車Z的 但真的打很爛
首Po@Cloud9 C9表示4
首Pohumanoid in the champ select: ahahahah lets play kogmaw its rly good here ”. humanoid in the middle of the game: y champ is so fucking useless”. 選角時的Humanoid:哈哈哈 玩寇格魔吧 他這場超強DER19
首Potoday i learned u can sell items with right click wtf 今天我學到能透過按右鍵來賣裝備,三小 底下留言:各位先生女士,這就是我們歐洲的MSI代表選手 --15
首PoImagine youre playing worlds finals and then you accidentally shit yourself on the stage. What would happen? 想像一下你在打世界賽總決賽,然後你突然在台上烙賽了。接下來會發生什麼? Nisqy 表示5
首PoI hate it when im just randomly walking and my mid is perma touching my huge ass 當我只是在隨意走動時,我的中路一直在摸我的大屁股,這真的很討厭欸 --4
首Polol my grandma just came to my room and she said this : “why the fuck is selfmade so fucking ugly and perkz so small, stay away from those losers my sweet boy.” Idk what to think.. 笑死,我奶奶剛剛進我房間然後說「為什麼 Selfmade 他媽這麼醜,然後 Perkz 這麼11
首Poguys ignore the drama for a tiny bit, lets have a minute of silence for excel because they never made playoffs yet. 各位,先不要管抓馬了,讓我們為 Excel 默哀一分鐘,因為他們從未晉級季後賽。 XL 官推表示8
首Powtf is this @selfmade_LoL has the hairiest butt on this planet O我的天 Selfmade擁有這星球上最多毛的屁股 .......車Z素質真差 觀察人家睡覺也就算了 還觀察人家屁股 nlnlOeO Perkz的屁股要小心點欸3
首Poholy shit the objective bounties are so good for us as a team, cant wait to play with the gang again. @Elyoya_LoL @armutlol @KaiserLoL @Humanoidlol. This time we will definitely win worlds 哇操咧,物件賞金對我們來說超強的,等不及再和這些人一起打比賽了。@Elyoya @Armut1
首Poomg @selfmade_LoL sleeps like a little kitty cat O我的天 Selfmade睡姿跟小貓一樣 KappaPride 請問車Z你是間接承認你下一季會在Vitality了嗎
[情報] 張藝興 合約到期離開SM(更新) SM表示:現有專屬合約已經到期,正在討論新形式合約。 微博發文爆
[花邊] KD:雷霆必須退役我的球衣KD:雷霆必須退役我的球衣 杜蘭特接受了The ringer記者Logan Murdock的採訪,在採訪中他表示雷霆必須退役自己的 球衣(OKC has to retire my jersey)。 OKC has to retire my jersey," he continues. "It wouldn't even be good for the ga me of basketball if they didn't. The same with Golden State. I'm still doing wha爆
[花邊] Pierce:我能有哈登生涯的隊友,我可能Pierce:我能有哈登生涯的隊友,我可能已經拿下五個總冠軍了 I mean he respects Doc. I don’t think he respects Steve Nash, Doc is gonna do e verything in his power to try to make them to work. But my thing is when I look at that Embiid right now is the best big in the game but I’m like … if I had t he chance to play with the talent that Harden plays with, I’d probably be walki爆
[外絮] 老巴:我可以買勇士贏,但我不在乎誰進總老巴:我可以買勇士贏,但我不在乎誰進總冠 “Oh, I can buy into the (Warriors)," Barkley said on the "Ryen Russillo Podcast " prior to Game 2. "I hate their fans. But we have a lot of give and take, and t hat doesn’t bother me. They, you know, you know, Ry? As long as people are reac ting to your opinion, you're doing what you're supposed to do on television."39
[情報] Dragic:我不想要打一休五 我還沒要退休Goran Dragic: "We were in talks with Dallas. They made an offer but I decided not to take it. They wanted me to play 1 game and then sit for the next 5. I know I can still easily play 20 minutes per game. I'm not ready to retire and just sit on the bench in a cheerleading role." 我和獨行俠談過,他們有開合約給我但我沒接受,我認為我每場比賽至少還可以打個20分鐘,但他們要我打1場休5場,我還沒準備要退休和擔任板凳啦啦隊長的角色 Dragic also said that the Bulls guaranteed "20-25 minutes off the bench", backing up Lonzo at PG. That's the type of a bench role he wanted to have in Dallas. Why Mavs weren't willing to offer that to Dragic is still a mystery to me. They won't get a better PG for a vet minimum.24
[閒聊] Haru 推特I'm still contracted to Vitality but they have allowed me to explore options for 2023. Contact via DM or positive@azyt.com 繼 Selfmade 和 Labrov 後,Haru 也在推特發文求職了18
[閒聊] Diamondprox / Edward 推特I'm still contracted to Team Spirit, but am allowed to check out the options due to the LCL situation. Can fulfill Jg/Coaching roles. Retweets are very appreciated! Feel free to DM me any questions.13
[閒聊] Astralis 推特 Zanzarah 離隊1,5 years 3 splits Endless Trundle and Skarner bans Countless laughs5
[外絮] selfmade,Labrov twitterStill contracted with Vitality but they allowed me to explore options. Selfmade@proxy.gg _
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