[閒聊] CNJ Esports 推特

看板LoL標題[閒聊] CNJ Esports 推特作者
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CNJ Esposts Vietnam proudly announce: Shogun & Taki, the remarkable Botlane
Duo in MSI and WORLDS 22, will continue the contract with the team for 3 moreyears. Let's wish them all the best & love for future career with CNJ!

CNJ Esports(前 Saigon Buffalos)發文,與下路選手 Shogun 和輔助選手 Taki 續約三年

Officially 1st greeting from DH.CNJ to all the beloved and loyal fans of SGB,also the Vietnamese & international LoL community!

Today, we want to wish Happy birthday to Froggy, the spiritual pillar of SGB,follow with the 3-years-contract with CNJ!

CNJ Esports Vietnam proudly announce: Bean J, our beloved jungler will
continue to extend his contract with team until 2025. Please wish him all thebest for his future career with CNJ!

而 CNJ 前幾天也官宣和打野選手 Bean J 及中路選手 Froggy 續約三年
恭喜修幹 希望明年還能在國際賽看到他

Sent from BePTT on my Sony J9210


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cececcc 12/11 21:09Froggy跟BeanJ也3年

※ 編輯: y12544 ( 臺灣), 12/11/2022 21:17:56

shin840628 12/11 21:17全續約了?

NTUKarbe 12/11 21:38不再苦無合約了

witstoyaqui312/12 00:11taki很可愛 修幹會讓我想到世界賽的法文台熱舞XD

q123038468 12/12 00:54shogun~~~

q123038468 12/12 01:01

jm1d38 12/12 02:043年那麼長

takutosky 12/12 07:35還好 Toyz跟監獄簽了4年又2個月 更長