Re: DELL U2720Q + MBA M1 螢幕閃爍

看板MAC標題Re: DELL U2720Q + MBA M1 螢幕閃爍作者
時間推噓 推:0 噓:0 →:0

※ 引述《jiunwey (Worthless)》之銘言:
: ※ 引述《CCMAKE (夏夜晚風)》之銘言:
: : ,
: : TX
: : c
: : )
: : 體
: : 我跟版大遇到類似的問題!
: : 我是MacBook pro外接2720Q,
: : 一段時間就會有一兩秒黑畫面,
: : 用過thunderbolt 跟原廠附的type C 都會。
: : 不過好像是螢幕刷新率設成60Hz之後才出現的現象……
: : 但是我不能介紹刷新率只有30Hz啊!!
: : 不知道有沒有其他朋友有解決的方法?
: Try to set the USB Prioritization of Dell U2720Q to High Resolution.
: * High Resolution:
: [email protected] DisplayPort signal for 4K/60Hz + USB 2.0 (+ HDR)
: * High Data Speed:
: [email protected] DisplayPort signal for 4K/60Hz + USB 3.1
: 4-lane configuration shall bring more stability.
Thanks for your suggestions!
Actually I’ve already set the priorities to high resolution but the issue still occurs.
There seems to be some compatibility issue between MacBook and Dell monitor, since it works fine when I use my other Lenovo laptop with HDMI connection.
Thanks anyway for your feedbacks:)


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