[情報] 一招解決 iOS 18.2 耗電問題:ZDNET雜誌
有人覺得 iOS 18.2很耗電嗎?這不是錯覺。
其資深專欄作家Adrian Kingsley-Hughes 也遇到iOS 18.2很耗電的問題。
只要關掉蘋果AI,iOS 18.2就不會耗電了。
去「設定」-> Apple Intelligence & Siri,就可以關掉蘋果AI。
After a bit more investigating, testing, tweaking settings, and a lot of frustration, I found the culprit: Apple Intelligence.
With Apple Intelligence enabled (the setting can be found under Settings > Apple Intelligence & Siri), I found it impossible to make it through a day withoutrecharging.
However, with it disabled, my battery life returned to its former levels.
[ZDNET] iOS 18.2 was killing my iPhone's battery until I turned off this feature
難怪沒感覺 台灣還不能用lol
13 pro沒AI沒感覺
台灣版沒AI 所以不耗電
Re: [討論] ios 16也太耗電了吧自己的文章自己回 我先跟廣大的iOS朋友說聲道歉,根本不是蘋果的問題 是我手賤愛用moptt這個被大家唾棄的APP 因為我事後有觀察一陣子,每次用moptt手機就開始燙+過熱螢幕變暗 然後過去10天明明YT跟mo 差7小時,結果YT佔了31%10
[情報] 蘋果證實 iOS 14存在嚴重的七項新問題情報來源: 蘋果iOS 14是iPhone用戶近年來所用過最好跨代作業系統升級服務,但這項升級並非完 全沒有瑕疵。蘋果已證實,升級到iOS 14的iPhone存在幾項嚴重的問題。11
Fw: [新聞] 蘋果坦承 App 出包!公開 iPhone「耗電災作者: olmtw (olmtw) 看板: MobileComm 標題: [新聞] 蘋果坦承 App 出包!公開 iPhone「耗電災 時間: Wed Jul 15 13:13:22 2020 蘋果坦承 App 出包!公開 iPhone「耗電災情」唯一解法 文/記者黃肇祥/ 2020-07-15 11:1411
[情報] Spotify承認會導致iOS14.8和15耗電、發燙【情報來源】 原網址: (原始未刪減的網址) 短網址:8
[情報] iOS 18.1 RCThis update introduces the first set of features powered by Apple Intelligence, the personal intelligence system that unlocks powerful new ways to communicate, work, and express yourself, all while protecting your data with an extraordinary step forward for privacy in AI. This release also includes enhancements to Came ra Control, the ability to capture spatial photos, record phone calls, and other6
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