[情報] Xperia 1 II ships in US on 7/24 for $1199

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預購成功者送Sony WF-1000XM3降噪藍芽耳機


Sony’s Xperia 1 II ships in the US on July 24th for $1,199

Sony’s new flagship smartphone, the Xperia 1 II (pronounced “mark two”),
will ship in the US starting July 24th for $1,199, the company announced.
Pre-orders start on June 1st. And if you pre-order by June 28th, you’ll get
a free pair of Sony WF-1000XM3 noise canceling earbuds.

A major feature of the Xperia 1 II is its 12-megapixel triple-camera array,
which Sony says can shoot up 20 fps in burst mode, make AF/AE calculations upto 60 times per second, and autofocus on the eyes of humans and animals for
portrait shots, among other features. The phone also comes with the
Photography Pro and Cinematography Pro apps, which give you more manual
control over the camera settings for your photos and videos.

The Xperia 1 II has a 4K HDR OLED screen that’s 6.5 inches and has a 21:9
aspect ratio, making it taller than many other phones. The phone is powered
by Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 865 processor, has a 4,000mAh battery, and supports
wireless charging. It also has a 3.5mm audio jack, if you want to plug in

Sony also said it has “plans to develop” the Xperia Pro, a new phone that
supports mmWave 5G, which typically offers faster speeds than sub-6Hz 5G but
has a more limited range. But to help you find service when you’re using the
Xperia Pro, Sony says the new phone will show you the direction of an mmWave
5G connection and your transmission and reception speeds. The Xperia 1 II
will be 4G only in the US, but its Europe variant supports 5G.

The Xperia Pro will also have a micro HDMI cable so that you can connect it
to cameras with an HDMI output. That means you can use the Xperia Pro as a
monitor for some DSLR cameras and professional camcorders as well as transmitdata captured by a camera over the phone’s 5G connection, according to Sony.

※ PTT 留言評論

RAA1144557 05/25 13:41消失的內文

NickXiang 05/25 13:41內文空白


※ 編輯: pointa ( 臺灣), 05/25/2020 13:43:08

RG5678 05/25 13:47修文要注意,不要修推文

rain5108053005/25 13:48xm3我覺得可以= =

rain5108053005/25 13:48但我已經有啦幹

s87269x 05/25 13:56靠背台灣36000送xm3我也預購下去

david519200305/25 13:57送這個 我也直接預購

ych49 05/25 14:03有xm3可以考慮耶

ken9948 05/25 14:06台灣拼了 難得有好手送好一點 衝一波

windzend 05/25 14:12上次是不是有日本測試工程機照相悲劇?

rain5108053005/25 14:15怕悲劇就不要買啊 樣張前兩葉的文有 自己判斷

monkey60391 05/25 14:19台索才不可能送WF啦

astros5566 05/25 14:19猜台灣預購價36990預購禮送毛巾兩條

kuff220 05/25 14:20台索我猜一樣送行動電源然後37999的啦

chocopie 05/25 14:22要來去逛逛B&O了,只是現在美國送回來都有點悲劇

chocopie 05/25 14:22貨運航班吃緊

f860506 05/25 14:24猜台索送行動電源+USB風扇

weijunW 05/25 14:30台索的防疫那麼成功應該繼續口罩套吧~

SekiAnn 05/25 14:30希望台索也送xm3……

bkebke 05/25 14:35如果每期都買的話 家裡耳機不是十幾副了

chenming867 05/25 14:36送XM3我就可以去網路上撿便宜了

kusork 05/25 14:36看日本索送那個什麼鬼,難怪他們自己人都不買單

strongrain 05/25 14:37有WF的話 感覺還不錯

RG5678 05/25 14:3936000,要對得起價格R~

Hchocolate 05/25 14:40台索算了吧 肯定又是垃圾大禮包

SoulFaith 05/25 14:41台灣有XM3 開價36900內直接預購 但是台索不可能...

ayuhb 05/25 14:41送個螢幕險哈哈

qss05 05/25 14:41英國、美國每次不是都送PS或是最新的耳機,可是台灣

qss05 05/25 14:41的…

sai007788 05/25 14:42美國7月台灣不就9月

dieangel006 05/25 14:47台灣會送毛巾 水壺 收納袋

RAA1144557 05/25 14:47送3000配件金

peng198968 05/25 14:48還有記憶卡

A4704704 05/25 14:48台灣送浴巾大禮盒

qoop3 05/25 14:48哇哦

KotoriCute 05/25 14:52我猜台索預購 39900 送 XM3

RAA1144557 05/25 14:56我猜32990啦

andy87115 05/25 14:58太棒了 繼續等就可以等到i12了

apps9661509 05/25 15:03送這麼好?不過台索似乎不能期待

v21638245 05/25 15:04美國X1就有送了,台灣還是別想太多

f40075566 05/25 15:04台索價格若是31000我直接買不囉嗦 33000看贈品 36

f40075566 05/25 15:04000等跳水 動作再慢一點我幹你娘台索

cities516 05/25 15:06台索大概要到$45000才可能送xm3

longkiss061805/25 15:10應該是36990

oblivionion 05/25 15:11盤子買起來

YasyajinAi 05/25 15:15有夢最美,希望相隨

namieamuroma05/25 15:16我的X1就是美國買的 有送耳機

RICEFINCH 05/25 15:20已買i11....等明年跳水

y3u03 05/25 15:31送記憶卡而且比手機本體容量還小啦 幹

nkhs9412235 05/25 15:33送搖桿造型悠遊卡一張

iamseanli 05/25 15:44高~台~跳~水~

qscgg 05/25 15:56索尼真的想把手機賣出去嗎…

ygupin 05/25 16:02剛查XM3一支7000,怎可能送,毛巾還比較有可能

longkiss061805/25 16:07賣39999然後送PS4一台

strike519 05/25 16:07XM3超好用

lion1227 05/25 16:12送毛巾兩條是參加公祭哦=.=

darkholy 05/25 16:1736k我可以買高檔筆電了

happy1712 05/25 16:33XD 這價格就等著跳水的啊

a2032016 05/25 16:46上面沒有人譙七月才上市太晚嗎?s20三月就賣了

leung374025005/25 16:52樓上美國人嗎?

bla1001 05/25 16:54台灣至少41990

Kismeter 05/25 16:54整個台灣上半年旗艦機市場,就很冷清啊

kisia 05/25 17:18台索應該送保護貼保護殼觸碰筆

senma 05/25 17:50太慢上市了吧

a2032016 05/25 18:09回60樓,我台灣人

KNVSEOC 05/25 18:10台灣一樣價格 不送東西

leonhung97 05/25 18:12這價格...只好等跳水了

chunyulai 05/25 18:17好好笑 定價定高高知道沒人買 然後再送耳機

chunyulai 05/25 18:18索尼老套路了 不知悔改 繼續用銷量制裁

chocopie 05/25 18:49內文要改一下,預購是下週一 6/1 開始,送耳機是 6/

chocopie 05/25 18:4928 之前。 B&H已經有耳機bundle的選項了。


※ 編輯: pointa ( 臺灣), 05/25/2020 18:51:29

chocopie 05/25 18:52哇chunyu又來酸了,你看我能提供更正資訊,啊你咧?

chocopie 05/25 18:52只會叫囂浪費版面

chunyulai 05/25 19:05華為哥今天很忙啊 歡迎追隨

chunyulai 05/25 19:06不過你要小心一點 你在這裡被我檢舉水桶過

chunyulai 05/25 19:07要小心啊 這裡板規說不行這樣唷^^

cook321 05/25 22:24台灣應該39900起跳

dawn5566 05/25 23:12哇靠送XM3

JT0827 05/26 00:05XM3超扯

jonaswang01 05/26 01:19送這個耳機很誇張