[閒聊] Pixel4a vs Canon 6D MKII(DSLR) 拍攝

看板MobileComm標題[閒聊] Pixel4a vs Canon 6D MKII(DSLR) 拍攝作者
(人生 歡樂易忘卻執著痛苦)
時間推噓 推:0 噓:0 →:7

年輕攝影師好奇4a的效果 就跟DSLR拍照對比,固定4a 擺在一起上腳架
沒見過到底大底呈現自然景深是怎樣的 可以看看效果

Google Pixel 4a vs 3500$ PRO Canon Camera // Can a PHONE in 2020 take
better photos than a DSLR?

DSLR會拍RAW 進入Lightroom 調曝光(影片會有文字提示)

00:00 - Introduction
00:53 - Methodology (Pixel 4a & Canon 6D Mk II setup)
01:20 - 1st test - JPEG straight out of the camera
01:35 - 2nd test - HDR+ vs RAW
02:16 - 3rd test - Hight Dynamic Range (HDR)
02:56 - Drone crash...
03:07 - 4th test - Portrait Mode vs Natural Depth of Field
04:19 - 5th test - AI Zoom vs Lenses
04:57 - 6th test - Video
05:43 - 7th test - Night Sight vs Slow Shutter Speed


06:10 - Comparaison - JPEG vs RAW
06:38 - Comparaison - HDR
07:32 - Depth of Field Explanation (with phones use AI to fake it)
08:32 - Comparaison - Portrait Mode vs Depth of Field
11:31 - Comparaison - Zoom vs Lenses
12:01 - Comparaison - Night Sight, Astrophotography Mode et Long Exposure
12:57 - Final thoughts
13:58 - Conclusion - Thanks for watching!



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BadGame 11/02 01:24 另外他之前影片 還有4a 夜拍星空教學(上腳架)

BadGame 11/02 01:24

james732 11/02 01:48單眼的型號是6D不是60

hsinvanna 11/02 02:05看這標題大概不熟攝影吧

BadGame 11/02 02:07 另外 木西拿到 超大杯 Mate 40 Pro+(自由曲面鏡)

BadGame 11/02 02:09 對超廣角 人臉畸變 2次AI修正 其他廠應該會跟?