[花邊] 籃網主場最新一次財報顯示虧損$76M

看板NBA標題[花邊] 籃網主場最新一次財報顯示虧損$76M作者
時間推噓26 推:28 噓:2 →:26

The highly crowded New York-area arena market continues to deliver a financial crunch to Brooklyn’s Barclays Center.

Facing competition for events and fans, not only from Manhattan’s Madison Square Garden and New Jersey’s Prudential Center but now Long Island’s UBS Arena, Barclays Center reported a $76 million loss for the fiscal year ended June 2023.The audited and newly released figure is on top of a $78 million loss for the prior fiscal year.


籃網主場Barclays Center在最近一次財報顯示虧損了7600萬美金

In addition to the venue competition, the building received no fiscal favors from the primary tenant and building operator, the NBA’s Brooklyn Nets. The Nets have been been swept in the first round of the NBA playoffs the past two seasonsand have hosted only four total playoff games in that time.



Barclays Center is owned by the state of New York, but the operating rights areheld by a company led by Joe Tsai — part of his then-record $3.2 billion purchase of the Nets in 2019. The WNBA’s New York Liberty, who face the defending champion Las Vegas Aces in the Finals starting Sunday, are also owned by Tsai and play at the arena.

Barclays Center由紐約州所有



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※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 10/04/2023 18:03:09

ooxxman 10/04 18:04蔡老闆:哭啊,被球員氣氛又賠錢

e8e88 10/04 18:05尼克:真遜

jerrylin 10/04 18:09蔡老闆: I don't care

Fezico 10/04 18:15蔡老闆的阿里巴巴縮水更痛

f77928 10/04 18:16慣老闆我還以為什麼經營之神咧 原來只會內鬥內行

MK47 10/04 18:17沒事 他光名面上的資產有77億鎂 這才1%

MK47 10/04 18:18大概跟鄉民三千萬身家花個三十萬一樣感覺

chen5575 10/04 18:18韭菜:聽說NBA超好賺?

vgil 10/04 18:18除了籃網有哪一隊也是虧損的嗎?

msarthur 10/04 18:26帳面財報虧損,球隊增值,不打緊

msarthur 10/04 18:26反正NBA球隊搞爛了拍拍屁股轉身還有WNBA可以玩

chen5575 10/04 18:27市值不是現金流阿 要賣掉時才有,虧損是要自己貼錢

chen5575 10/04 18:27出來養球隊

QoGIVoQ 10/04 18:28只看損益肯定不只籃網 市值才是重點

chen5575 10/04 18:29而且印象中 疫情以來籃網每年都虧損

dwiee 10/04 18:32那是因為籃網超過豪華稅的關係吧 不繳稅大多是正的

ken3616001 10/04 18:36我是覺得 Barclays Center蠻小也蠻舊的?但去過的

ken3616001 10/04 18:36不多就是了

munchlax 10/04 18:42Barclays Center不是才啟用10年,會破舊 0_o?

tyrone0923 10/04 18:45帳面虧損印象中多少會有吧,這有啥奇怪的,而且

tyrone0923 10/04 18:46大老闆買球隊,要嘛個人興趣,要嘛當資金轉手,反正

tyrone0923 10/04 18:46虧的金額,最後球隊賣掉一定是連本帶利賺回來哪有差

Kimmy 10/04 18:47在紐約還能虧?甘脆別玩了

syterec 10/04 18:55樓上肯定完全不懂市值是什麼,不懂就別說了吧

stoke4096 10/04 18:56財產洗到美國了,蔡老闆根本不care這點錢

syterec 10/04 18:57籃網的市值2019年到現在都漲50%了

allyourshit 10/04 18:59蔡老闆又回去接阿里巴巴了 這點錢真的沒什麼

jayjen 10/04 19:03小錢

GenesisXD 10/04 19:08我去過Barclays center 不會破舊啊

GenesisXD 10/04 19:1016年底去看豪哥大戰KD勇

madeathmao 10/04 19:11不過,球場虧損等於球隊虧損嗎?球隊有別的收入吧

alex0973 10/04 19:20大概還有70億美金藏在境外公司 7600萬虧損小意思

qazxsw123 10/04 19:26買得起球隊的人會在乎嗎

Brucetk 10/04 19:34前年還叫天元網如今只剩西門

nfsong 10/04 19:37現在應該轉正了

justaID 10/04 19:44這看起來是指球場經營的財報,不等於整體球隊的盈

findwind082610/04 19:44反正虧損也是記帳在籃網 賣掉的時候就下家的問題了

justaID 10/04 19:44虧?

puro 10/04 19:48畢竟是一隻連兩年被橫掃的隊伍...

smalldata 10/04 20:09紐約還會虧喔

alex0973 10/04 20:34本文的資訊不夠完整 球場本身營運賠 球隊整體

alex0973 10/04 20:35的門票轉播周邊商品都沒算 實際如何沒講清楚

kobebrian 10/04 20:48他缺錢嗎?都直接不甩KD惹

doyeewuer 10/04 20:52爽啊

nkfcc 10/04 20:53他應該早出了蠻多阿里股票了。不然沒錢玩球隊。

yueyi313 10/04 20:58鄉民怎麼會懂節稅怎麼寫?

phix 10/04 21:28總管開除吧 爛

roger262390010/04 21:41Barclays Center由紐約州所有 但經營權是在籃網老

roger262390010/04 21:41闆蔡崇信手上...所以賠錢的是紐約州吧?

roger262390010/04 21:42籃網隊和Barclays Center應該是兩碼子事吧?

yowhatsupsli10/04 22:03樓上正解,籃網說不定只是跟巴克萊中心租場館

GodMune0608 10/04 22:38應該可以理解成是紐約州把Barclays Center的經營權

GodMune0608 10/04 22:39外包給籃網隊

carrey8 10/05 08:45計畫盈利100M 實際盈利30M 報告虧損70M

taristocrat 10/05 09:04地球天龍區曼哈頓想虧難如登天

eric2251 10/05 10:44這地方風水不好