[外絮] Shams Charania大翻車
The Phoenix Suns are another team that Jimmy Butler’s agent, Bernie Lee, has indicated in league circles that the six-time All-Star is open to as a destination while Miami listens to trade offers, sources tell ESPN, joining Dallas, Houston and Golden State.
Shams:Jimmy Butler經紀人Bernie Lee將鳳凰城太陽也列入了Butler的下家名單。加入了原有達拉斯、休士頓與金州的下家名單。
Alright listen. I gave you a pass yesterday because I was busy but if you don’t stop putting my name on your complete and utter made up bullshit because you know you normally arent worth my time to acknowledge.. (continued)
Butler經紀人:聽好 我昨天讓你發只是因為我很忙,但如果你不停止把我的名字放在你編造的廢話上,因為你通常不值得我去承認…
I don’t know what I’m going to do because I’m a middle aged dad but just know it would indicate severe dislike. World… all this is fabricated. I have never and honestly it wouldn’t help me or the position I represent to do anything that’s been reported by said “journalist”
Shams this is your opportunity to say my bad “I let chat GPT write my tweets and it went old school Peter Vescey..” (Shams Peter was a writer in the 90’s) be a trend setter.. invent the new I was hacked. Carry on all. Thank you.
Shams這是你的機會說這是你的錯”我讓GPT寫我的推文他變成老派的Peter Vescey”(Shams Peter是90年代的作家)成為潮流引領者…編造出這些東西。延續這些。謝謝。
[外絮] 從無家可歸到全明星的Jimmy Butler無意間看到去年的外絮,覺得是個可以了解士官長為何會是士官長的故事。 查了一下沒看到有發過,不知道有沒有op,若有op我會刪掉。 Jimmy Butler’s Story: From a Homeless Kid to an NBA All-Star 從無家可歸到全明星的Jimmy Butler爆
[情報] 熱火願意聆聽關於Butler的交易The Heat are open to listening to offers for Butler and making a deal if the proposal is right, league sources told ESPN, and Butler's agent, Bernie Lee, has indicated in league circles that Butler is open to destinations such as two of the Texas teams (Houston Rockets and Dallas Mavericks) and the Golden State Warriors. Butler is a native of Houston, Texas. Above all, though, he爆
[外絮] Charania: KD幫忙招募Beal來太陽來源:Sportskeeda 網址: Kevin Durant helped Phoenix Suns recruit Bradley Beal according to NBA Insider KD幫忙招募Bradley Beal來太陽 Bradley Beal made headlines Sunday when it was reported that he would be爆
[外絮] 吉巴經紀人:別拿吉巴與AD相比吉巴經紀人:別拿吉巴與AD相比 The Miami Heat star Jimmy Butler has missed 10 of the last 11 games with a bruis ed tailbone, a tough blow for the team since numerous other members of their sta rting lineup are also out injured. 熱火隊球星吉巴在過去的 11 場比賽中因尾椎骨受傷缺陣了 10 場,這對球隊來說是一個沉92
[情報] 士官長JB 頂薪續約熱火 184m/4yr消息來源:(網址或出處) s=19 內容:All-Star G Jimmy Butler has signed a four-year, $184M extension to stay with the Miami Heat, his agent Bernie Lee tells ESPN. Butler will be locked in to the deal — with a player option — through 2025-2026.82
[花邊] Jimmy Butler下家賠率From Twitter:NBACentral The New York Knicks are considered the favorites to acquire Jimmy Butler if th e Miami Heat decide to trade him, per @BovadaOfficial New York Knicks: +210 Philadelphia 76ers: +22567
[情報] 第二節末左腳踝扭傷 吉巴續打Game 1(影片)來源: Shams Charania推特 網址: Miami's Jimmy Butler is staying in Game 1 of Finals after left ankle sprain. 在左腳踝扭傷後,熱火Jimmy Butler會繼續留在Game 1打球。 扭傷影片:70
[情報] Shams:湖人僅簡單表達了對DDR的興趣Shams:湖人僅簡單表達了對DDR的興趣,除此之外就沒了 07月09日訊著名記者Shams Charania接受媒體採訪,談到了DDR之前的市場行情。 「當時DDR的下家其實只有兩個選擇,國王和熱火。」Shams Charania在訪談中表示。 “國王和熱火是推進交易最快速,最猛烈的兩支球隊。” “而湖人只是簡單地表達了對DDR的興趣,除此之外就沒別的了。”- 消息來源: 內容: The Dallas Mavericks and Houston Rockets have been mentioned as potential destinations for Jimmy Butler, per @MikeAScotto