[外絮] Bronny戰報:對決矮湯 手感不佳

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Bronny James Stats Tonight: LeBron James' son's shooting woes return in matchupagainst Isaiah Thomas' G League team (Feb. 28)


圖 Bronny戰報:對決矮湯 手感不佳

LeBron James' son Bronny James was in action for the South Bay Lakers on Fridayagainst the Salt Lake City Stars. Bronny matched up against his father's formerteammate, Isaiah Thomas. LeBron and Thomas briefly played together on the Cleveland Cavaliers in 2017-18 and the LA Lakers in 2021-22.

LeBron James 的兒子 Bronny James 於週五代表 South Bay Lakers 出戰 Salt Lake City Stars。Bronny 與父親的前隊友 Isaiah Thomas 交手。LeBron 和 Thomas 曾在 2017-18賽季的 Cleveland Cavaliers 以及 2021-22 賽季的 LA Lakers 短暫一同效力。

Bronny was coming off a solid performance from his last game in the G League onFeb. 22 against the Valley Suns. He had 24 points, five rebounds and six assists on 10 of 16 shots. It was arguably his most composed performance.

Bronny 在他 2月22日對 Valley Suns 的 G League 比賽中,表現不錯。他拿下 24 分、5籃板和 6 助攻,16 投 10 中。這無疑是他最穩定的表現。

Here's how Bronny James fared in the follow-up game on Friday:

以下是 Bronny James 在週五比賽中的表現摘要:

Bronny James' stats and recap in G League matchup against Isaiah Thomas' Salt Lake City Stars

Bronny James 在 G League 對抗 Isaiah Thomas 所在的 Salt Lake City Stars 比賽中的數據與回顧

Bronny James had a relatively slow start against the Salt Lake City Stars than his previous outings for the South Bay Lakers. The 55th pick played 8:32 minutesin the first quarter, tallying two points, two rebounds and two assists. He shot 1 of 3, missing one shot from the 3-point range. Bronny was +/- +3 despite theteam trailing 32-26.

相比於他之前在 South Bay Lakers 的比賽,Bronny James 在對抗 Salt Lake City Stars 的比賽中開局較慢。這位第 55 選秀在首節打了 8 分 32 秒,得到 2 分、2 籃板和 2 助攻,3 投 1 中,三分球 1 投不中。儘管隊伍以 32-26 落後,Bronny 的 +/- 為 +3。

Bronny had a quiet second quarter with his lack of scoring. However, he seemingly focused more on setting up his teammates. Cole Swider and Stanley Johnson hadit going with 19 and 10 points, respectively.

在第二節,Bronny 沒有得分,表現相對低調。不過,他似乎更專注於為隊友創造機會。Cole Swider 和 Stanley Johnson 分別貢獻 19 分和 10 分。

Bronny shot 2 for 6 and had four points, six assists, two rebounds and three turnovers by halftime. He missed all three of his 3-point attempts. South Bay trailed 63-57. Bronny had a +/- score of 0.

上半場結束時,Bronny 6 投 2 中,拿下 4 分、6 助攻、2 籃板,並有 3 次失誤。他的三分球 3 投全失。South Bay 以 63-57 落後。Bronny 的 +/- 為 0。

Bronny James's scoring improved a tad in the third quarter after he put up six points in that frame, but wasn't as efficient. He made only two shots on his next eight attempts and 2 of 7 from 3-point range.

在第三節,Bronny 的得分稍微提升,他在這一節得到 6 分,但效率並不高。他接下來的 8 次出手中只命中 2 球,三分球 7 投 2 中。

Bronny couldn't figure out his shooting woes in the fourth quarter, either. He went 6 of 19 on the night, including 4 for 14 from 3. Bronny had 16 points, six rebounds and eight assists, but those came with four turnovers. He was a +/- -11as the South Bay Lakers lost 123-114.

第四節,Bronny 仍未能解決他的投籃困境。整場比賽他 19 投 6 中,包括三分球 14 投 4 中。Bronny 得到 16 分、6 籃板和 8 助攻,但也有 4 次失誤。South Bay Lakers 以 123-114 輸掉比賽,Bronny 的 +/- 為 -11。

Bronny James' counterpart and his father, LeBron James, former teammate, IsaiahThomas, was the best player, with 29 points and eight assists.

Bronny 的對手、他父親 LeBron James 的前隊友 Isaiah Thomas 是全場最佳球員,貢獻 29 分和 8 助攻。




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Dong02 03/01 15:09我先

wii128 03/01 15:09

O10lOl01O 03/01 15:10每日任務要來了嗎

benson60913 03/01 15:10你家人知道你每天都在發這種文嗎

Notif520 03/01 15:10ID正確

Nobody001 03/01 15:10前來報到

a26893997 03/01 15:11.....

jason911152 03/01 15:11簽到

Sessyoin 03/01 15:11雖然贏球才發 但是今天有點慢欸 0.0

hoodlumpow 03/01 15:11

KIMCHAEWON 03/01 15:12今天不及格 太慢

qazxsw123 03/01 15:12nba版的海綿

hsueh00 03/01 15:13原來矮湯還在發展聯盟

bm1041644 03/01 15:13朗文大師太晚了

aa89028500 03/01 15:13下西下景

k33536 03/01 15:13詹姆斯之子

lagi5487 03/01 15:13

wwf1588 03/01 15:13touch grass

lexus3310 03/01 15:13這是NBA

Winston1384003/01 15:14矮湯再爛也沒爛到需要跟幫你煎比吧

A00610lol 03/01 15:14朗文轉移 給箭頭

xManager 03/01 15:15這個正負值 很有老爸的風範

ReDive 03/01 15:15得嘗所望

boyou314 03/01 15:16矮湯推個

mambarko 03/01 15:17對決矮湯這種等級的防守者還可以手感不佳

allyourshit 03/01 15:18矮湯還在為夢想(運鈔車)奮鬥 真的要鼓勵一下

a516013 03/01 15:18幫矮湯推

kenbo 03/01 15:19矮子矮 一肚子拐

wadeken 03/01 15:20好喔

WIGGINS22 03/01 15:21幫我朋友推

sasa789 03/01 15:22可憐仔

sean74101 03/01 15:22

GleybeTorres03/01 15:23ID正確

allenchu 03/01 15:23嘻嘻

james123774103/01 15:24真不知道你圖的是什麼?這樣的你快樂嗎?

allenchu 03/01 15:24此人請正名拐哥

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likeyouuu 03/01 15:25每日

p890089 03/01 15:26啥時要禁這隻

chan184966 03/01 15:26

lagi5487 03/01 15:27真的發不膩 厲害

birdskingla 03/01 15:27哈哈

StaGe6 03/01 15:27真假啦

as6354993 03/01 15:27

vance1024 03/01 15:28只要湖人一直贏就會有朗文戰報

fishfish053003/01 15:33

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XUPJPVUP 03/01 15:38可悲,找很久還找這種不像樣的洗文

ymsc30102 03/01 15:39朗文大師雖遲但到

Chang0212 03/01 15:44今天慢了喔

EXUAN 03/01 15:45

feijai 03/01 15:46最近贏球太開心 發文比較晚嗎

sustto 03/01 15:53朗報給推

ljk476820 03/01 15:53這一篇文章值 1 Ptt幣

VichanGer 03/01 15:54幫刷存在感 不然怕出事

bryan7114 03/01 15:59朗文大師又來刷了

tjbulls 03/01 16:03

lmf770410 03/01 16:07淪落至此

kobegary34 03/01 16:10慘 淪落至此 換成KC家族的接棒惹

R2der 03/01 16:10紅明顯嘻嘻

Larry8212 03/01 16:1377最近都太晚了 加油一點好嗎

fonder 03/01 16:14笑死

furjai 03/01 16:29朗文大師

Andrew19999903/01 16:30

sean05269 03/01 16:39Bronny真的籃球技術不佳 體能也是

negotiates 03/01 16:45ID

wewaJamesla 03/01 16:47

LBJ9527 03/01 16:48

alex0973 03/01 16:52最好的方式就是不要推文 推/噓/箭頭 都免了

alex0973 03/01 16:52個人現在看到這ID文章一律跳過 不看不推 反正沒內容

AmaneCoco 03/01 16:54一堆母迷亂噓真的好可怕

kattte 03/01 16:56矮湯....

jameslin510 03/01 16:5777已經在總版被看透了

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benen 03/01 17:10矮湯很多球隊都給過機會了啊

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goury 03/01 17:12077對LBJ是真愛,籃球板hy

founny 03/01 17:16矮湯 就是少個山羊爸爸

dream6789 03/01 17:17

r491396076 03/01 17:26洗文?

kevin7429 03/01 17:31可憐

kem0606 03/01 17:31又來

MDAISUKE18 03/01 17:44矮湯還在拼

siwojune 03/01 18:05成天污辱這個名字 悲哀

jamescle23 03/01 18:06雖然會遲到但不會缺席 給推

huntersc252503/01 18:22老詹酸不了只好當朗文

Superted 03/01 18:30打哈欠了

laowoik 03/01 18:40對文不對人

jkok103427 03/01 19:24姆迷狂噓是為啥@@,是在噓這個B什麼的不配打NBA嗎

negotiates 03/01 19:34某個洗推仔怎麼還沒被桶?

zcxvbb736 03/01 19:44沒空

lilorange 03/01 19:45不小心喝太多水想噓噓而已啦

zcxvbb736 03/01 19:49

sc79129 03/01 19:53造謠7的轉移任務(1/1)

gangrel 03/01 20:46GOAT = G-league of all time

hyc0725zz 03/01 20:50別鬧了

jordan0634 03/01 21:04又是你這個廢文王

j3307002 03/01 21:28布朗尼日報XD

airphone 03/01 21:45原諒這id 吧,他詹酸一定沒想過77會跟老詹同隊過

versace 03/01 21:52很好

Andrew19999903/01 22:02很好

kano2525 03/01 22:22ID

birdskingla 03/01 22:38板主幹嘛一直放任這傢伙害人水桶

DanielChouS 03/02 01:43可憐

samsam80821 03/02 08:47他這文也沒違規吧

Hao83369 03/02 12:47笑死 還放任勒 五告北七 你就不要被他刺激到就好啊

Hao83369 03/02 12:49更好笑的是理性普遍不佳的都會被這位77釣中

IRPT001 03/02 12:49有隊友過?

Hao83369 03/02 12:50看一群氣到跳腳的姆咪一直噓就覺得這真像一群小丑

mickpol426 03/02 12:58為什麼要這麼賤

k12151215 03/02 15:57哈哈

Adelaide66 03/02 15:57朗文大師

wainkid 03/03 16:272