[外絮] 乳摸-勇士與Ham接洽助理教練

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B/R 記者 Timothy Rapp

Warriors Rumors: Darvin Ham Discussed Role on Steve Kerr's Staff After LakersFiring


The Golden State Warriors are reportedly "contemplating a coaching staff addition" this offseason regardless of whether Kenny Atkinson departs Steve Kerr'sstaff to take the Cleveland Cavaliers' vacant head-coaching job, per Anthony Slater of The Athletic.


And former Los Angeles Lakers' head honcho Darvin Ham was reportedly considered.
According to Slater, the Dubs "had some conversation" with Ham recently, though he added such a hiring "isn't expected to materialize. But it is a signal of the Warriors' desire to add a big-name assistant, and indications are they are in search of either a former head coach or former player to fill the role. If Atkinson leaves, they may add two assistant coaches."

據傳勇士隊認真考慮前湖人總教練Ham,勇士隊跟Ham有一些對談,但他們沒有想到這件事會浮上檯面。 但勇士隊在這個休賽季有意在教練團增加一名「知名的」助教,而且他們目標放在其他隊的前總教練,或是退休球員來擔任這個角色。如果助教阿金離開, 勇士隊可能會找兩名助教。

Ham, 50, went 90-74 in his two seasons as the Lakers' head coach, leading theteam to the Play-In Tournament in both campaigns. The team qualified for the playoffs as well, reaching the Western Conference Finals in his first season but only the first round in 2023-24.
The team was eliminated by the Denver Nuggets in both series.

Ham, 50歲。 這兩年在湖人的戰績90-74, 在這兩年帶領湖人對在play-in中取勝,也都順利晉級季後賽。去年打進西區冠軍賽,而今年止步首輪。兩次都是被金塊隊淘汰。

Kerr, meanwhile, has seen a lot of turnover on his staff in recent years. Alongside the possibility of losing lead assistant Atkinson this summer, Mike Brown left in 2022 to become the head coach of the Sacramento Kings and Jama Mahlalela left in 2023 to join the Toronto Raptors' staff.

Kerr在這幾年的助教團大換血。 除了這個夏天可能會失去助教阿金。在22年失去了MikeBrown,而MB成為了國王隊的總教練。Jama則在2023到了暴龍隊的助教團。

The Warriors may be facing an offseason of change on the roster as well. Longtime franchise staple Klay Thompson is set to hit free agency, Chris Paul's $30 million salary is non-guaranteed and he's likely to be cut and the team probably needs to reconsider completely shaping the roster around Stephen Curry after going just 46-36 this season and losing their lone game during the Play-InTournament, keeping them from the postseason.


It's very possible that the championship window for the trio of Curry, Thompson and Draymond Green has closed altogether, outside of some adept roster restructuring. More than likely, the Dubs will have a much different look in the 2024-25 campaign.



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ccmvic 05/31 08:29勇咪大勝利

yashiky2010 05/31 08:30你丟我撿

gyaoqwas 05/31 08:30Ham蠻會臭自家球星的 勇士需要

BorisGhost 05/31 08:30勇士近年的助教團真的都很豪華

candbilly15305/31 08:30五後衛指日可待

xjapan329 05/31 08:31火腿綠咖哩,蹦出新滋味

Rush0406 05/31 08:31柯教練+火腿 臥龍鳳雛 場上可以期待五後衛

centiyan 05/31 08:31湖迷:你們要火腿你們收啊! 勇:正在洽談中

kingbar815 05/31 08:31笑死,勇士真的要收喔XD。真期待火腿上位

GleybeTorres05/31 08:32他當助教蠻正常的啊

LeGGoRay 05/31 08:32火腿上位別想了吧,Kerr學家剛續約餒

jason911152 05/31 08:33助教OK拉

aa01081008tw05/31 08:33勇迷:火腿很棒的好嗎 火腿:OK..我來囉XD

dragon2000 05/31 08:33開個底薪給他

Royalweger 05/31 08:34當助教搞事也輪不到他,應該沒事啦

edwinrw 05/31 08:34哈哈

ayubabbit 05/31 08:34勇士要了

overpolo 05/31 08:34只配當助教的人

chifeng 05/31 08:35回收業者

PunkGrass 05/31 08:35勇贏了

zsp9081a 05/31 08:36火腿也臭不了這隊的,戒指數大戰是完敗

hayoyo 05/31 08:37當助教還行吧

Osman5566 05/31 08:39火腿不差。勇士要了

atmmaxing 05/31 08:40火腿:勇士乖 讓我看看哪一個漏尿的

Drifter3 05/31 08:40火腿科學家,這個組合好猛

phoenix286 05/31 08:43只能當助教的話不如回Bud手下吧?

kkk900100 05/31 08:44火腿當助教還不錯啦 別拉上去當總教就好

ayubabbit 05/31 08:44火腿綠咖哩好吃

loverxa 05/31 08:46勇士認證火腿只有助教格又打臉勇迷先前亂吹當總教

loverxa 05/31 08:46練多罩多棒

saberwong 05/31 08:46跟柯爾一起五小打到爽

Sessyoin 05/31 08:47哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈

Sessyoin 05/31 08:47記得板上有一群人很愛火腿,三不五時就會替火腿保

MTK515 05/31 08:47火腿到底有什麼好

Sessyoin 05/31 08:47駕護航,不知道是不是勇迷,嘻嘻

amsmsk 05/31 08:47終於可以五小打到爽了

NCKUJaneWu 05/31 08:48火腿當助教滿頂的

kenclyde 05/31 08:48Kerr穩到爆吧,火腿感覺是再進修

Dong02 05/31 08:49勇咪最愛的,真的喊到了恭喜

jacky40383 05/31 08:50恭喜勇士 記得別再放出來喔

ryolai 05/31 08:52少了mb防守真的差超多

AA000162 05/31 08:52結果LBJ和兒子也一起到勇士

bbo40453 05/31 08:56直接取代kerr了啦,蛹蛹一定支持

jenchieh5 05/31 08:58恭喜勇迷了 防守up

gogorice 05/31 08:59火腿當助教應該是頂的

keysers10 05/31 08:59那湯神肯定留了,不然怎麼夠人打3衛

iamnotme 05/31 09:03臥龍鳳雛XD

AESXREMIX 05/31 09:11火腿本來就有料 去年打到西冠 火腿是被背鍋的

Pushyong 05/31 09:20助教其實可以

bigbeat 05/31 09:21火腿臨場反應 不行 當助教就是天花板

sept9048 05/31 09:23哭迷的最愛 得償所願哈哈哈哈哈哈哈

thatear 05/31 09:24去湖人被嫌到爛的往往出來都

SSS120329 05/31 09:26火腿應該很高興 五小吃到飽

lerry555777 05/31 09:32助教那沒事了

zhutou 05/31 09:34他助教很頂 總教就先不要

zhutou 05/31 09:34湖版都開玩笑:火腿優點是助教 缺點是總教

thindust 05/31 09:35嘴綠欽點

kkk900100 05/31 09:36z大注意他版條例

zhutou 05/31 09:38抱歉 我不曉得 謝謝提醒

waderu:轉錄至看板 G-S-WARRIORS

05/31 09:45

qz81247 05/31 09:49我大火腿怎麼能當助理教練!一定要當總教練啊

malain 05/31 09:50助教可以啦,總教9罐15大揍過山羊耶,火腿敢亂來?

danieljaw 05/31 09:51本來火腿就是配菜啊(笑)

Tasarinan 05/31 09:52你不要的 我要了

a3221715 05/31 09:54

archer523 05/31 09:56他應該還是想拼總教吧

silentsky55505/31 10:02火腿綠咖哩好像很噁心欸

capsspac 05/31 10:04柯學家+火腿 畫面真美

jamescle23 05/31 10:50蛹勇最愛火腿取代kerr當總教啊

jamescle23 05/31 10:50kerr才要輔佐他吧

s48625 05/31 11:13要火腿復仇記了

sunnyyoung 05/31 11:53勇士真的有內鬼 內部消息太容易洩露出去

phantom 05/31 12:26湖迷有新歡JJ了,這個火腿我們不要了~

n10617 05/31 12:39蛹謎表示興奮

s920223 05/31 13:09勇迷心中最佳總教練

sb0314 05/31 17:11勇士大贏 人家總欸來當小弟

jordan0634 06/01 02:03慘。勇士準備領便當了,戰績狂跌