Re: [情報] JJ Redick成為湖人教練
- Woj:JJ的非正式面試
- Shams:JJ的第一次面試
.五月中聯合測試會:佩林卡與Hurley會面交談了更久 (Shams應該沒抓到這個情報)
- Woj:湖人很早就鎖定Hurley為第一人選
- Shams引述事後Hurley親口訪談內容:湖人是6/5才表達挖角意願的
- Shams:多個湖人內外來源,懷疑湖人是否真的是認真追Hurley,僅認為湖人只是在賭 (原文Hail Mary:成功率相當低的美式足球得分戰術。僅在落後且壓哨階段才會使用)
Woj, Shams:佩林卡相信配一組菁英助教團,能夠有效縮短JJ當總ㄟ的適應曲線
Shams:目標人選是阿拓Scott Brooks、前湖人球員Rajon Rondo、小獨Jared Dudley、賽提Sam Cassell
※ 引述《ray155002 (RayLee)》之銘言:
: ESPN Sources: JJ Redick has agreed on a four-year contract to become the next: co
: ach of the Los Angeles Lakers. Rob Pelinka offered job this morning and Redick: ’
: s started working on a staff to surround himself with experience.
: 777777777
笑死 你怎麼跟我第一時間反應一樣是去找兩人差別XD
推 細節
達叔 軟豆 紅dio 這是教練團自己組一隊是吧
球員:你行你上! 教練團:(捲袖子
[情報] 湖人預計聘請Dan Hurley作為總教練BREAKING: The Los Angeles Lakers are targeting Connecticut’s Dan Hurley to be come the franchise’s next coach and are preparing a massive, long-term contra ct offer to bring the back-to-back national champion to the NBA, sources tell ESPN.爆
[外電] Dan Hurley on LakersDan Hurley 受訪談到與湖人交涉的過程,他親自說的內容應該最準,可以直接當作前幾 天的參考,也直接證明沒有錢不是重點這個東西。 連結: 主持人:「Is there an amount of money the Lakers could have offered Dan Hurley that would have resulted in him leaving UConn?」爆
[花邊] Shams:湖人對KI的報價不具有吸引力也Shams:湖人對KI的報價不具有吸引力也沒有新的進展 Shams: “There's no traction on any type of a Lakers deal for Kyrie Irving…Ther e’s nothing new on that, and I'm not quite sure we're going to see that take pl ace. Shams:湖人對KI的任何交易報價都不具有吸引力,也沒有什麼新的進展……我不確定我們爆
[花邊] 龜龜對Dan Hurley拒絕湖人的消息按讚Russell Westbrook liked this post on IG after Dan Hurley turned down the Laker s head coaching job to return to UConn 稍早Woj發文確認Dan Hurley拒絕湖人總教練的工作,隨後龜龜被發現對此消息按讚 Woj的IG貼文:95
[情報] 湖人下週面試教練 人選:Atkinson、ReddAccording to The Athletic's Shams Charania, James wants to play for two more sea sons in the league and the Lakers want him to spend them on their roster, playin g alongside his own son after drafting him in the second round this summer. Shams報導: 老詹想要多打兩年,然後湖人希望這兩年都給湖人。在夏天湖人用二輪選布朗 尼後,跟他兒子一起在湖人打球。50
[情報] Shams:Hurley從開始就不是湖人第一目標“[Dan Hurley] was not the #1 candidate to go and pursue from the start… At t he end of the day - he chose to stay for $20M less at UConn” @ShamsCharania on the #Lakers head coaching search 根據Shams的消息:42
Re: [外電] 湖人將安排首次面試JJ你這是怎麼翻譯才會變成「湖人將安排面試」的? The Lakers COULD do their first interview with JJ Redick. COULD。這明明是湖人「可以」去跟JJ進行第一次正式的面試。WILL/WOULD才是「將會」面試。你這也差太遠了吧? 另外,這句話代表湖人根本沒有跟JJ有過正式面試。不要再一直JJ來JJ去的了。 : Borrego 預計留隊,湖人打算開始回頭去找JJ安排首次面試。37
[情報] 湖人跟JJ Redick根本沒有正式面試過消息來源:Woj Twitter: After a dogged pursuit of Hurley over past weeks, Lakers will regroup and resume bringing in candidates for interviews with hope of hiring a coach by Draft, sources said. James Borrego is expected to remain part of group and Lakers could do their first formal interview with JJ Redick.24
[花邊] Lebron舊推特稱讚Hurley/湖人選帥花邊He’s so DAMN GOOD!!! Along with his staff. Super creative with their O! Love it 四月Lebron曾發推稱讚過Dan Hurley: 他(還有他的團隊)太厲害了!他們的進攻體系非常有創意,愛了。
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Re: [花邊] 知名訓練師開噴嫌棄大三分時代論述